One, foreword

Use Spring+Mybatis to run Phoenix and other relational databases (e.g. Mysql, Oracle). The configuration is basically the same.

  • Spring + Mybatis + Phoenix
  • SpringBoot + Mybatis + Phoenix

Spring + Mybatis + Phoenix

2.1 Project Structure

2.2 Main Dependencies

In addition to spring-related dependencies, you need to import Phoenix-Core and the corresponding Mybatis dependency package

<! -- Mybatis dependencies -->
<! --phoenix core-->
    <version>4.14.0 - cdh5.14.2</version>
Copy the code

2.3 Database Configuration Files

Configure the database driver and ZooKeeper address in the database configuration file

# database driven phoenix. DriverClassName = org. Apache. Phoenix. JDBC. # PhoenixDriver zookeeper address Phoenix. Url = JDBC: phoenix: the code

2.4 Configuring the data source and session Factory

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? >
<beans xmlns=""
       xmlns:context="" xmlns:tx=""

    <! -- Open annotation pack scan -->
    <context:component-scan base-package="com.heibaiying.*"/>

    <! -- Specify the location of the configuration file -->
    <context:property-placeholder location=""/>

    <! -- Configure data source -->
    <bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource">
        <! - Phoenix configuration - >
        <property name="driverClassName" value="${phoenix.driverClassName}"/>
        <property name="url" value="${phoenix.url}"/>

    <! Mybatis session factory -->
    <bean id="sqlSessionFactory" class="org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean">
        <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/>
        <! Mapper file location -->
        <property name="mapperLocations" value="classpath*:/mappers/**/*.xml"/>
        <property name="configLocation" value="classpath:mybatisConfig.xml"/>

    <! -- Scan registered interface -->
    <! What it does: Starts a recursive search from the base package of an interface and registers them as MapPerFactoryBeans (only interfaces of at least one method are registered; , concrete classes are ignored)-->
    <bean class="org.mybatis.spring.mapper.MapperScannerConfigurer">
        <! -- Specify session factory -->
        <property name="sqlSessionFactoryBeanName" value="sqlSessionFactory"/>
        <! Mybatis -->
        <property name="basePackage" value="com.heibaiying.dao"/>

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2.5 Setting Mybtais Parameters

Create a new Mybtais configuration file and configure additional parameters as required. For more Settings configuration items, see the official documentation

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ? >


<! -- Mybatis config file -->
        <! -- Enable hump naming -->
        <setting name="mapUnderscoreToCamelCase" value="true"/>
        <! SQL > select * from 'SQL';
        <setting name="logImpl" value="STDOUT_LOGGING"/>
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2.6 Querying Interfaces

public interface PopulationDao {

    List<USPopulation> queryAll(a);

    void save(USPopulation USPopulation);

    USPopulation queryByStateAndCity(@Param("state") String state, @Param("city") String city);

    void deleteByStateAndCity(@Param("state") String state, @Param("city") String city);
Copy the code


<mapper namespace="com.heibaiying.dao.PopulationDao">

    <select id="queryAll" resultType="com.heibaiying.bean.USPopulation">
        SELECT * FROM us_population

    <insert id="save">
        UPSERT INTO us_population VALUES( #{state}, #{city}, #{population} )

    <select id="queryByStateAndCity" resultType="com.heibaiying.bean.USPopulation">
        SELECT * FROM us_population WHERE state=#{state} AND city = #{city}

    <delete id="deleteByStateAndCity">
        DELETE FROM us_population WHERE state=#{state} AND city = #{city}

Copy the code

2.7 Unit Tests

public class PopulationDaoTest {

    private PopulationDao populationDao;

    public void queryAll(a) {
        List<USPopulation> USPopulationList = populationDao.queryAll();
        if(USPopulationList ! =null) {
            for (USPopulation USPopulation : USPopulationList) {
                System.out.println(USPopulation.getCity() + ""+ USPopulation.getPopulation()); }}}@Test
    public void save(a) { USPopulation("TX"."Dallas".66666));
        USPopulation usPopulation = populationDao.queryByStateAndCity("TX"."Dallas");

    public void update(a) { USPopulation("TX"."Dallas".99999));
        USPopulation usPopulation = populationDao.queryByStateAndCity("TX"."Dallas");

    public void delete(a) {
        USPopulation usPopulation = populationDao.queryByStateAndCity("TX"."Dallas"); System.out.println(usPopulation); }}Copy the code

SpringBoot + Mybatis + Phoenix

3.1 Project Structure

3.2 Main Dependencies

<! -- Mybatis 1.3.x (1.3.1) for more information about spring-boot and mybatis, see <a href="">-->
<! --phoenix core-->
    <version>4.14.0 - cdh5.14.2</version>
Copy the code

Spring Boot and Mybatis version mapping:

MyBatis – Spring – the Boot – the Starter edition MyBatis – Spring version The Spring version of the Boot
1.3.x (1.3.1) 1.3 the or who 1.5 the or who
1.2.x (1.2.1) 1.3 the or who 1.4 the or who
1.1.x (1.1.1) 1.3 the or who 1.3 the or who
1.0.x (1.0.2) 1.2 the or who 1.3 the or who

3.3 Configuring a Data Source

Yml. Spring Boot 2.x uses Hikari as the default database connection pool. Hikari is currently the best connection pool on the Java platform and performs better than Druid.

    # zookeeper address
    url: JDBC: phoenix:
    driver-class-name: org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDriver

    The following connection pool configuration is not necessary if you do not want to configure a special database connection pool configuration
    2 # spring - the boot default X using high-performance Hikari as connection pool More configuration can refer to
    type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
      The minimum number of free connections maintained in the pool
      minimum-idle: 10
      # Maximum number of connections in the pool, both idle and active
      maximum-pool-size: 20
      # This property controls the default automatic commit behavior for connections returned from the pool. The default is true
      auto-commit: true
      # Maximum idle time allowed
      idle-timeout: 30000
      # This property represents the user-defined name of the connection pool, which is mainly displayed in the logging and JMX administrative console to identify the pool and pool configuration. Default value: Automatically generated
      pool-name: custom-hikari
      # This property controls the maximum lifetime of a connection in the pool, with a value of 0 indicating infinite lifetime, default 1800000 meaning 30 minutes
      max-lifetime: 1800000
      The database connection timeout period is 30 seconds
      connection-timeout: 30000
      Mysql > select 1 from dual; mysql > select 1 from dual
      connection-test-query: SELECT 1

# mybatis
    Enable print SQL statement debugging
    log-impl: org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl
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3.4 Creating a Query Interface

Above Spring+Mybatis we use XML to write SQL, in order to reflect Mybatis support a variety of ways, here we use annotations to write SQL.

public interface PopulationDao {

    @Select("SELECT * from us_population")
    List<USPopulation> queryAll(a);

    @Insert("UPSERT INTO us_population VALUES( #{state}, #{city}, #{population} )")
    void save(USPopulation USPopulation);

    @Select("SELECT * FROM us_population WHERE state=#{state} AND city = #{city}")
    USPopulation queryByStateAndCity(String state, String city);

    @Delete("DELETE FROM us_population WHERE state=#{state} AND city = #{city}")
    void deleteByStateAndCity(String state, String city);
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3.5 Unit Tests

public class PopulationTest {

    private PopulationDao populationDao;

    public void queryAll(a) {
        List<USPopulation> USPopulationList = populationDao.queryAll();
        if(USPopulationList ! =null) {
            for (USPopulation USPopulation : USPopulationList) {
                System.out.println(USPopulation.getCity() + ""+ USPopulation.getPopulation()); }}}@Test
    public void save(a) { USPopulation("TX"."Dallas".66666));
        USPopulation usPopulation = populationDao.queryByStateAndCity("TX"."Dallas");

    public void update(a) { USPopulation("TX"."Dallas".99999));
        USPopulation usPopulation = populationDao.queryByStateAndCity("TX"."Dallas");

    public void delete(a) {
        USPopulation usPopulation = populationDao.queryByStateAndCity("TX"."Dallas"); System.out.println(usPopulation); }}Copy the code

Add: construct a predicate sentence

The building statements of the test tables involved in the unit tests above are as follows:

      state CHAR(2) NOT NULL,
      city VARCHAR NOT NULL,
      population BIGINT
      CONSTRAINT my_pk PRIMARY KEY (state, city));
-- Test data
UPSERT INTO us_population VALUES('NY','New York',8143197);
UPSERT INTO us_population VALUES('CA','Los Angeles',3844829);
UPSERT INTO us_population VALUES('IL','Chicago',2842518);
UPSERT INTO us_population VALUES('TX','Houston',2016582);
UPSERT INTO us_population VALUES('PA','Philadelphia',1463281);
UPSERT INTO us_population VALUES('AZ','Phoenix',1461575);
UPSERT INTO us_population VALUES('TX','San Antonio',1256509);
UPSERT INTO us_population VALUES('CA','San Diego',1255540);
UPSERT INTO us_population VALUES('CA','San Jose',912332);
Copy the code

See the GitHub Open Source Project: Getting Started with Big Data for more articles in the big Data series