This article was submitted by my immediate junior, who not only used to be in the same club with me, but also became my colleague at last by a strange coincidence. Ha ha! The predestination runs deep. After “JavaGuide Interview Assault edition” came out, the student also shared into his class, as an upperclassman or very happy.

In addition, I would like to add another word here. Although JavaGuide has a large number of stars, its value and gold content cannot be compared with Dubbo and Nacos, which are excellent domestic open source projects. I also know it well. I hope there will be more excellent open source projects in China!


First of all, I came ashore in the autumn recruitment in October, 19. I always wanted to write a sutra, but because of various reasons, it has been delayed until now. Before applying for a job, I also read a lot of interviews on the Internet. I hope the content I share next can give you a little help. This article focuses on what I think I should be doing to prepare for an interview, and in the next article I will focus on my experience with ThoughtWorks interviews.

I was a double-non-undergraduate student in the 20th grade, so I have no outstanding competition experience, nor scientific research experience. As for the internship arranged by the school, I thought it was not valuable and did not go. Instead, I helped the school maintain an enrollment software during my internship. Usually I learn Java by myself according to the tutorials and online articles. In addition to writing several major projects following the tutorials, I also participated in the actual projects connected by teachers. This is also my personal advantage in job hunting.

Preparation for an interview

At the beginning of September, I began to prepare for the interview. At that time, I originally planned to conduct a large-scale project as a review of my knowledge. Later, I found that I was really weak in basic knowledge, so I gave up the project decisively and switched to learning Java related knowledge. When reviewing, I found a pain point: because I learned Java by myself following the tutorial, I only paid attention to hands-on and practical use at ordinary times, but ignored the principle and basic knowledge, resulting in the understanding of the why and why. So when reviewing is really a sense of enlightenment.

I followed blogs on the Internet, plus videos on YouTube. Personally, if you feel too tired to read the text when reviewing, you can watch the video explanation, which can relieve your pressure, and for some knowledge points, the video display effect is better.

Review mainly involves these knowledge points:

  1. Java: Basics, containers, concurrency, JVMS, new features
  2. Computer network: basic knowledge, often meet test questions
  3. Linux: Common commands, basic operations, and software installation
  4. Data structures, algorithms, databases
  5. Common framework

I’m not going to go through all of this. If necessary, you can go to Github to search JavaGuide, the author of the better. I feel more important or really need to spend more time when reviewing: algorithm, recommended to brush LeetCode, at least a simple level of the algorithm, no matter which company interview can not escape the algorithm. Second is the data structure, once you understand the framework implementation, then the data structure must be involved, and then the JVM and framework source code, especially Spring, be sure to look at the source code, interview areas.

Three points to note as you review these points:

  1. Do not just read articles written by others, or watch videos all the time. I always think that the most important thing for programmers is implementation. No matter how great the technology you have learned, you must implement it into the code.
  2. Remember to do pen questions, pen questions is a good choice, which involves the knowledge point is very comprehensive, do some more questions, can be very good to avoid the pit when the written test.
  3. Never memorize interview questions. Rote learning is easy to forget, and knowledge is own only when it is understood. After understanding, I can express it in the interview with ease, and it will give the interviewer a good feeling.

Resume writing

As a recent graduate, how can we make our resume stand out so that hr can look at you? Personally, the following points are very important:

1. Project experience or competition award experience (highlights)

The project experience here is not the demo you did or the course design you did in school, but the actual software you are going to use for customers. I always have a point of view that it is easy to make a demo of a software, but if we want to use it for customers, we need to consider more details, which is the real test of our technology. For the competition, the famous ACM, of course, the more famous the better.

So many graduates are going to say, I’m just an ordinary graduate, no contact with the actual software, also did not participate in the competition award experience, so my resume is not a bright spot? My advice is to learn to package yourself. For real projects, pick the biggest piece of software you’ve ever built, or search github for one. Here, for example, you find a distributed mall project, and then select a yourself familiar with the modules, such as commodity module, and then you put the commodity module code complete watch it again, from behind the front desk to show logic to handle the middle to the design of the database table, and this module and other modules of information communication, such as the message queue, all over again. Familiarize yourself with the process. For other modules, understand the function, but not the code implementation. Then write on the resume, I have done XX project, how many people in a team, I was responsible for the product module, what functions I realized, what problems I encountered, how to solve, how the effect. When communicating with the interviewer, because you have only done this module, he will also discuss this area with you, which makes up for the pain point of many people who do not have actual projects.

Since your project is the highlight of your resume, it’s important to understand the logic and design of your code for projects that aren’t your own. Of course, this is only a temporary measure, I hope that after the interview or good practice of their own technology.

2. Technology stack

Write out your own technology stack, which technologies you know, which frameworks, can be listed. Be careful with your words here. It is best to be careful to write proficient in such and such technology, because mastery generally involves source code, so do not write if you do not really understand. You can use words like familiar, used, and understood. Also, for these technology stacks: front-end technologies such as CSS, back-end frameworks such as SSM, common software such as Nginx, common tools such as Git, etc., note the score bar list, do not write a block.

3. Tech blogs

Here you can write your own Github account, if you have a good project, the number of stars is a great bonus. Other tech blogs can write about it if they do a better job.

4. Major related

Here show your credits, if better can be added to the top percent of the major. Then write down the basic courses related to the job search. Finally, write your own situation of cet-4 and CET-6. Some companies may have higher requirements on English.

5. Thanks

As a courtesy, write a line of thanks for taking the time to read my resume and look forward to the opportunity to work with you.

Finally add a point, for the school has a community experience, cadres experience, personally feel for programmers to apply for a job, the significance is not big. But this is also an advantage of your own, can be put in the interview in the oral description of the self-introduction, so it will not appear that their own self-introduction is too monotonous.

To apply for a job ways

A good way to find a job can make your job search go more smoothly. Here’s what I think is the best way:

  1. Find acquaintances push, if you want to enter the company has seniors or know other people, can let them help push, push to avoid resume screening order, the opportunity for an interview is greater. If there is no acquaintance inside push, niuke network is also a good platform, there are a lot of people on the post, there are a lot of inside push information, is also a very good choice.
  2. On-site resume delivery, for example, in Hubei province where I live, many enterprises will go to Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University of Technology to promote, so you can choose to pay attention to one. The advantage of on-site delivery is that it is efficient and there are many choices.
  3. Official network network application, this is also a good choice, select the company you want to go to, and then direct official website delivery, general resume through the screening sequence, a week or so will inform you of the written test.
  4. Sea investment, through a variety of job-hunting software sea investment. I think this is not an ideal way, I have also invested in many companies, but the harvest is very little, maybe I opened it in the wrong way.

A word of advice: Keep a record of the companies you’ve applied to in a way you like, whether it was internal, whether it was on the official website, when you applied, when you had a presentation, when you had a written test, when you had an interview, so you don’t miss out on important information. For those who go to other schools for on-the-spot job hunting, pay attention to the arrangement of the schedule, in a planned way, do not fight unprepared battles.

Interview Precautions

All interviews, basically there are written and interview, so how to deal with the written and interview is very important.

  1. For the written test, some companies only offer technology-related questions, others offer logic tests, and for banks, there are questions about banking knowledge. Logic tests follow your gut, don’t be too tangled. For specialized knowledge questions, there is no other way but to spend their own time studying. In the written test of technology, the most difficult than the hand algorithm, here is a suggestion, even if you have ideas of knowledge, but can not write the actual code, you can write your own ideas, sometimes the interviewer will give points, do not leave blank, give a person the impression is very bad.
  2. The interview is usually divided into three rounds, the first round of technical interview, the second round of company leaders, and the third round is the time for hr to discuss salary. The general side will let you make a self-introduction, you can introduce these aspects: name, school, professional, objective, done what projects, what technology, in the school served as cadres, writing ability is very strong, and so on, for those who own advantages but there is no display on your resume, this time is the time for show. For the technical side, will be, will not be, do not install, otherwise will give yourself embarrassed. And learn to take the interviewer to a place you know well. For example, if you are more familiar with binary trees, you can say that a HashSet transforms into a binary tree when the list length is greater than 8. So we’ve successfully moved on to binary trees. Of course, it seems like a binary tree is more complicated than a linked list, but this is just an example.
  3. In the interview, especially the more introverted students, to try to adjust their state, must be bold to talk about their knowledge. Be bold rather than polite. For example, when we are face-to-face with the interviewer, we will not sit upright in conversation, and we can cooperate with some gestures when answering questions. I think this will make me very relaxed. I should not imagine that I am being interviewed, but think that I am showing my knowledge to others. It’s a very comfortable process.
  4. For hr, when he asks you to look forward to a salary, be sure to speak out boldly, do not feel whether they say high, I believe that we have a standard in mind, the salary is less than how much you will not go. So speak up based on your abilities. Be confident.
  5. Many companies have a group interview before the technical interview. The topic of the group interview may have nothing to do with technology. For example, when I interviewed Lang Guo, the topic of the group interview was how to view the influence of some low-quality content on young people’s values in the era of small video. The format is that the interviewer gives each person a paragraph, and then at the bottom of the paragraph, the interviewer is asked to sit and watch each person’s performance without saying anything. To tell you the truth, at that time, MY first feeling is that there will be such a thing, the in the mind is very resistant, but think about it, come to come, just have a try. And it turns out I was number one. I didn’t expect it myself. The summary points are as follows: first, we must boldly express our views; second, we should choose the right time to take over the right to speak; third, we should not blindly summarize other people’s views, but have our own thinking. We can extend the discussion to other higher levels. Fourth, When your views conflict with others or others do not recognize your views, you should learn how to solve the problem, whether to argue with others or to negotiate and merge. Fifth: For the discussion without leadership, if you can master the right to speak at the beginning, it is also great to put yourself in the role of hosting.


If it’s time to sign, congratulations on getting an offer. Before signing, think about whether you are satisfied with the other company, as well as salary and other aspects, confirm that you can sign. Otherwise consider carefully, because once sign a contract after, you want to sign a contract with another company, can face a problem that cancel an agreement, cancel an agreement is to have 5000 breach of contract commonly, this breach of contract how much can make clear when signing a contract, sign an agreement so need discreet.

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