Gitlab code hosting platform: Cloud computing 1024 kinds of gameplay 8 tips to build Gitlab code hosting platform

VS2013 clone remote Git repository and SSH configuration 1, VS2013 clone remote Git repository and SSH configuration 1, VS2013 clone remote Git repository and SSH configuration 1, VS2013 clone remote Git repository and SSH configuration 1, VS2013 clone remote Git repository and SSH configuration 1, VS2013 clone remote Git repository and SSH configuration 1, VS2013 clone remote Git repository and SSH configuration 1, VS2013 clone remote project Let’s open VS2013 and switch to Team Explorer, as shown below: Several Git code hosting platforms programmers must know about click to connect to team project… Click clone, input the remote Git address, then click clone button, the remote repository project will be cloned to the local location, the path is the address in the following text box, we can also click the following… Button to modify or enter manually.

2. SSH Configuration If Github is installed, the Github client automatically configures SSH. SSH -keygen -t rsa -c “[email protected]” The programmer must know several Git hosting platform We see this time ask us to save the key path, use the default, press enter to continue directly, here I have been generated, so I input the new path and file name, enter after make input password twice (passphrase), enter a password more than four. Our public key is stored in the file. If you are using the default path, open C:\Users\ admin. SSH and you will see the following file: Open with a text editing tool such as Notepad, copy the contents inside and save them for later use.

GitHub is the most popular Git code hosting platform. Many good open source projects come from GitHub, but GitHub can only create public Git repositories, private repositories charge, if you do an open source project, you can choose GitHub. Below recommend a few better Git code hosting platform, here I do not do too much description and evaluation, or let everyone look, compare, find their own “true love”. I’m sure you’ve all heard about GitHub, so I won’t go into details. GitHub address:, its home page is shown below: Several Git code hosting platforms programmers must know about

For some people, GitHub naturally brings to mind Gitlab, which supports unlimited public and private projects. Gitlab address:, its home page screenshots as shown in figure: the programmer must know several Git code hosting platform

Bitbucket allows teams of up to five developers to create unlimited private code repositories for free. Bitbucket address:, home page: Git code hosting platforms programmers need to know

4, (recommended) open source Chinese code hosting is said in front of foreign, the following several domestic. Open Source China account can create a maximum of 1000 projects, including public and private, open Source China code hosting address:, its home page is shown as follows: A few months ago, open Source China released the team collaboration development platform, and the code hosting platform, to create a very good team development platform, open Source China team collaboration platform address:, the team collaboration platform supports task creation, discussion, notes, etc., as shown in figure: Several Git code hosting platforms programmers must know about

When it comes to, first of all, it must be mentioned that the speed is fast, the function is similar to open source China, the same account can create up to 1000 projects, but also support the creation of tasks. Address:,, the home page is shown in figure: the programmer must know several Git code hosting platform

6, CSDN code hosting CSDN code hosting address:, home page: several Git code hosting platforms programmers must know

7. Jingdong Code Hosting Platform Address:, home page as shown in the figure: Although I don’t want to influence your choice, I still want to express my opinion. I personally prefer GItHub, Open Source China, and is an example of how to deploy a public key to a remote Git repository and open the setup center, as shown in the following figure: Select the SSH public key, fill in the name of the public key (whatever you like), and paste what you just copied from into the ssh-RSA public key text box. SSH -t [email protected] this will prompt you to continue your connection. Several Git code hosting platforms programmers must know Enter yes and press Enter to continue, the following prompt will appear, as shown in the picture: