On December 19, Tencent unveiled three open source projects at Techo Park 2020 developer conference. Among them, CloudBase Framework, as the first cloud native integrated deployment tool based on Serverless architecture in China and open source by Tencent, has attracted the attention of many developers.

Serverless is a concept proposed in 2012 by Ken, vice president of cloud infrastructure services provider Iron.io, which describes a new system architecture for applications running in the cloud. Since then, many cloud service vendors have gradually implemented the concept of Serverless and launched FaaS (function as a service) products based on Serverless. After 8 years of development, Gartner reports that in 2020, 20% of the global enterprises have adopted Serverless technology to deploy their businesses. The Serverless architecture has been recognized by the industry as the trend leading cloud native development in the next decade.

Traditional businesses such as websites and back-end services, through the modern Serverless technology, developers do not need to care about server construction and management. They only need to write business code and call the cloud capabilities provided by the cloud platform. They can quickly build complete business applications, reduce development costs and improve development efficiency. It also saves resources in server and system administration.

The domestic Serverless ecological construction started late. With the launch of the small program cloud development jointly developed by wechat and Tencent Cloud, it has brought more than 1 million developers to use it and greatly popularized developers’ understanding of Serverless. However, the relevant toolchains on the market are not perfect, which leads to the development and deployment difficulties and high costs for users in the process of migrating to the Serverless architecture.

The CloudBase Framework is designed to solve these problems.

CloudBase Framework is an open source cloud native integration deployment tool developed by Tencent. It supports one-click deployment of front-end and back-end applications and helps developers quickly and seamlessly deploy applications on Serverless cloud development (FaaS + CaaS + BaaS) platforms. Enjoy o&M free application experience with high performance, high reliability, and flexible capacity expansion. At present, the project supports one-click deployment of website, Next SSR, Node, Dart, Deno and other applications.

Cloud Development The CloudBase Framework’s main feature is its pioneering front-and-back one-click deployment capability. Traditional services, such as websites and servers, have considerable transformation costs in the process of migrating to the cloud platform. At the same time, the front and back ends of a complete business application are often limited in application delivery mode due to different language technology stacks.

The Cloud development CloudBase Framework supports the integrated deployment of Web/ applets/mobile/servers. The one-click managed technology stack covers almost the whole big front-end field, including front-end frameworks Vue, React, SSR Framework Nuxt. Node-based Express, Koa, Deno based applications, etc. With the capabilities of the underlying Serverless cloud applications, back-end applications based on PHP, Java, Go and other language technology stacks can also be deployed. It is worth mentioning that CloudBase Framework also implements cloud integration of Dart language with Flutter, which is a great complement to Dart language and ecosystem by domestic cloud vendors.

In terms of lowering the threshold for users, The CloudBase Framework implements the automatic detection function, that is, for common front-end frameworks, users do not need to write their own configurations. The tool can be used to automatically identify the construction of projects and publish default configurations. In the process, developers do not need to learn complex server configuration and change the code, just need to enter business parameters to achieve project deployment.

In terms of continuous integration/continuous deployment, The CloudBase Framework can also be used with CI/CD tools to achieve continuous deployment. For example, Github can automatically push the front and back end of the application with only a few lines of code. Developers can also Review the release process by adding manual validation steps to the CI/CD process.

It is worth mentioning that the project team also built a complete developer ecosystem around the Cloud development CloudBase Framework, providing an application center and plug-in system.

Application Center has a variety of popular applications, as well as a large number of production-level project templates, case templates, developers can freely choose, and one-click deployment of projects to the cloud development. On the other hand, developers can also develop and submit applications and templates to the Application Center. As long as the application description file is written, the application can be deployed using the Cloud development CloudBase Framework. After approval, the application center can be put on the shelf for other users to use.

The plug-in architecture of CloudBase Framework is completely open. At present, there are more than ten different plug-ins in the ecosystem, including cloud resource plug-ins, language development plug-ins, application framework plug-ins, and third-party application plug-ins. Developers are free to combine plug-ins according to the plug-in specification, implementing plug-ins with different functions by using and reusing plug-ins. For example, Node plug-ins reuse cloud function plug-ins and cloud managed plug-ins; Low code development plug-ins reuse small program plug-ins, static website plug-ins, cloud function plug-ins, authentication plug-ins, database plug-ins and so on.

It is reported that the cloud development CloudBase Framework cloud native integration deployment tool has been implemented in more than 1,000 applications inside and outside Tencent, including enterprise wechat, Tencent Live, Tencent Health Code, cloud development platform, Xinyue Club and other mainstream businesses with large users. Its practicality and stability have been fully verified.

CloudBase Framework team said that now the project has realized the integrated deployment tool, the next step is to continue to improve the plug-in system, runtime library, improve the ecosystem, to achieve a more efficient development and deployment workflow. At the same time, the team also welcomes the majority of open source technology enthusiasts to participate in the contribution of code, documents or test Demo, to improve the domestic cloud native technology ecology, to build a beautiful open source community.

Github open Source: github.com/Tencent/clo…

Product introduction

Cloud Development (TCB) is a cloud native integrated development environment and tool platform provided by Tencent Cloud. It provides developers with highly available, automatic and flexible expansion of back-end cloud services, including computing, storage, hosting and other serverless capabilities, which can be used for cloud integrated development of various end applications (small programs, Public account, Web application, Flutter client, etc.) to help developers build and manage back-end services and cloud resources in a unified manner, avoiding tedious server construction, operation and maintenance during application development. Developers can focus on the implementation of business logic, with lower development threshold and higher efficiency.

Open cloud development: console.cloud.tencent.com/tcb?tdl_anc…

The product documentation: cloud.tencent.com/product/tcb…

Technical documentation: Cloudbase.net? From =10004

Technical exchange plus Q group: 601134960

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