1. General feelings

The last day of 2020, sitting in the office to recall this year, a memorable picture like a slide flash in my mind. The year 2020 has been an extraordinary year. It has been both long and short. Long is that it has been a difficult year, both for society and for me; Transience is that even if difficult, also has passed at this time. By looking back at the past, you will be able to face the present more positively and look forward to the future with a more calm mind.

If I had a key word for this year, IT would be “caught off guard.” At the beginning of 2020, the novel Coronavirus outbreak has disrupted the rhythm of the whole Country. It is the only time in so many years that we will not be able to return home for the Spring Festival. Although planned, but the wife’s pregnancy still let me unprepared, nervous and excited to let me not calm down. Although according to the due date to do psychological preparation, but the baby is to give a surprise, come out to see us in advance, and gave me a unprepared. After the birth of a child, the center of my life is naturally the baby, but as a new father, I have a lot of problems to learn by doing, scrambling. Will be coronavirus caused by social pressure, working pressure, the pressure of funds, Eva pressure, family pressure, constitutes the main rhythm of this year, this year is around the efforts to solve these pressure, whenever I came home in the evening, to see the baby babble silent, kaka to me smile, that kind of happiness, satisfaction, and let me know that this year’s effort is worth it.

2. Gains for skilled people

While 2020 May feel like a year of surprise, there is peace to be found in reading books and writing code. That may be the luck of the techies.

2.1 small harvest

  • More time at home during the pandemic, also see
  • I mainly shifted to technical management and infrastructure design, planned the technical framework and management standards of the department, and advocated modular development.
  • At the business level, data standardization is realized, including metadata management system, AR cooperative communication system, file conversion service system and IP automatic setting service.
  • At the personal work level, Blog output 9 articles, published on various Blog platforms and public accounts.
  • In-depth understanding and writing of Spring Boot multi-data source usage techniques.
  • Familiar with Python and crawlers
  • Familiar with distributed file system MinIO and use it in company practice, and write articles on the experience.

2.2 small feeling

In the face of this extraordinary year, I feel I need to record a few thoughts:

  • Chaos is a ladder

It’s a line from Game of Thrones, but it’s also appropriate for this year. Due to the epidemic, the development of many industries in society has been hindered, especially offline physical stores. But there are also rapid development during this period, such as telecommuting, online audio and video and conference, live e-commerce, community e-commerce and so on. In adversity, there is always a ladder to advance. It is up to you to seize the opportunity.

  • In middle age, you should know there are things you can’t do anything about

It’s not negative, it’s self-aware. We should all know ourselves well. When we are young, we are fearless. We can try and make mistakes and move forward. Middle-aged people, however, need to know which walls they don’t need to hit, or accept that they don’t mean anything. For example, when the baby cried, changed the diaper, refused to eat milk powder, the amount of breast milk is not enough, how can not coax, this time will be very obvious to feel powerless, but helpless.

  • DRY(Don’t Repeat Youself) is the only way to improve your coding ability

The DRY principle, that is, do not repeat yourself. In writing code, it means not writing duplicate code. When duplicate code occurs, it smells bad, which means the code needs to be refactored. Eliminate duplication by extracting in a more abstract way. In software architecture, too, if there are reusable functions, they should be abstracted into separate modules or separate services. In daily work, this is especially true. If there is an action that needs to be repeated, you should consider whether it can be automated by tool or code. As you find that more and more automated tools are used or written, your efficiency and ability will increase.

3. Expectations for next year

In the New Year, I have new expectations. I hope that in 2021, my little princess will grow up happily and healthily, and my family will be safe and healthy. And the expectation of their own is more determination and perseverance to achieve their own ideas, more output articles, but forced their input. Continue to lay a solid foundation for technology and improve distributed and architectural capabilities.