Java has always been favored by developers due to its usability, cross-platform, portability, and many other advantages, and has consistently ranked high in the list of major programming languages. Therefore, this article summarizes eight tools for Java developers that cover almost the entire spectrum of Java development, from code building to error compression. These tools can help you improve the quality of your code and become a more effective Java developer.

Integrated development environment Eclipse

Eclipse is a well-known cross-platform free integrated development environment (IDE). It was originally developed primarily for Java, but is now used as a development tool for other computer languages such as C++ and Python through plug-ins.

Eclipse itself is just a framework platform, but the support of many plug-ins gives It a flexibility that other relatively fixed IDES find difficult to achieve. Many software developers use Eclipse as a framework to develop their own ides.

Groovy build tools Gradle

Gradle is a build system that uses Groovy to write build scripts. It supports dependency management and multiple projects, similar to Maven but simpler and lighter.

Gradle builds. Gradle builds. Gradle builds. This is the power of convention. This leads us to Gradle’s first feature: “CoC (Convention over Configuration)”. As long as you follow Gradle’s conventions, you can minimize the content of the build file.

Java unit testing framework JUnit

JUnit is a unit testing framework for the Java language. It was founded by Kent Beck and Erich Gamma and became the most successful xUnit family from Kent Beck’s sUnit. JUnit has its own JUnit extension ecosystem.

Most Java development environments have integrated JUnit as a unit testing tool.

Code coverage checking toolCobertura

Cobertura is an open source tool that measures test coverage by examining basic code and looking at what code executes and does not execute while the test package is running. In addition to finding untested code and bugs, Cobertura can optimize code by flagging useless, unexecutable code and can provide inside information on how the API actually works. Elliotte Rusty Harold shares how to leverage code coverage best practices to use Cobertura.

Below is the Cobertura output

Java program performance analysis tool VisualVM

VisualVM is a visualization tool that integrates multiple JDK command line tools. Can be used as a tool for Java application performance analysis and runtime monitoring. Developers can use it to monitor, analyze thread information, and browse memory heap data. System administrators can use it to monitor and control Java applications across the network. Java application users can use it to create Bug reports that contain all the necessary information.

JVM dynamic scripting language Groovy

Groovy is an agile jVM-based development language that combines many of the powerful features of Python, Ruby, and Smalltalk.

The main features of Groovy include:

  • Is a Java virtual machine based agile dynamic language.

  • It’s built on top of the powerful Java language and adds features learned from languages like Python, Ruby, and Smalltalk.

  • Provides Java developers with some of the most popular programming language features in modern times at a low cost (almost zero) to learn.

  • Support for DSL (Domain Specific Languages Domain Definition Language) and other concise syntax, making your code easy to read and maintain.

  • Goovy handles native types, object-oriented, and an Ant DSL that makes creating Shell Scripts very simple.

  • You can greatly improve your productivity by reducing the amount of boilerplate code you use when developing Web, GUI, database, or console applications.

  • Support for unit tests and mocks (objects) to simplify testing.

  • Seamlessly integrate all existing Java objects and class libraries.

  • Directly compiled to Java bytecode, Groovy can be used anywhere Java is used.

Honorable mention:Java integrated development environment IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA is considered the most efficient IDE tool for Java development today. It integrates many practical functions in the development process, almost can not use the mouse can be convenient to complete any thing you want to do, the maximum speed of development. Simple and powerful. This is in stark contrast to some of the other cumbersome and complex IDE tools.

Of course, if it doesn’t have your preferred tool, you can mention it in the comments for more developers to learn and talk about.

Editor in charge: OSC- Two tastes of fire

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