Turn a moment to this second-tier city has been a period of time, looking at the mobile phone push of certain news about Beijing, suddenly feel that this struggle (work) city has been thousands of miles away from me.

Recall some of my changes from graduation to now, from almost nothing to now can write a little code, mentality from very confused and anxious to now have their own rhythm, hair from graduation from lush thick to now less lush thick 🤣, these years of experience, or need to write an article to review. It involves programmer interview and career planning related things may not be suitable for everyone, interested friends can discuss with me.

This article has two main lines, one is the time line, one is my personal plan line.

Just arrived in Beijing

After graduating from college, I went straight to Beijing and started my part-time life as a programmer.

Let’s talk about the company that just graduated. This is a startup company that does computer vision and AI. If you are a computer vision industry practitioner, you can probably guess this company, which mainly focuses on artificial intelligence and security.

Why did I choose this company? On the one hand, it is because the salary is really high. At that time, it has been given a high monthly salary, which is really a large sum of money for the students who just graduated. On the other hand, there were some great people in the company at the time, and a few options were given, so the whole thing looked promising.

What I do in this company is to do the security system, which is the middle and background system, facing b-end users. I am still very happy in this company. I won the best intern award when I was an intern, and I drew the latest huawei mobile phone at the annual meeting (since then, I have never won the grand prize 😅). Technically, I worked as an intern at the beginning, and later I was able to work on projects independently and as an interviewer. Generally speaking, I had a good time.

However, I found that after I got good at what I was doing, like most programmers do, there was neither a lot of traffic and concurrency in the back end, nor a deep exploration of the front-end technology, and most importantly, the business didn’t grow as big as I had expected, and a lot of big people left.

This is my first sense of crisis, and also the reason why I first job-hopping.

Since I decided to change jobs, I have been thinking about two questions. The first is which company I want to go to, and the second is what CONTENT I want to prepare.

As for the first question, since I have often been involved in Internet communities and forums, and have some knowledge of domestic companies in zhihu, Yaojin, V2EX and other places, I have designated the first and second echelon front-end positions in large companies.

As for the second question, I searched a lot of interviews and recruitment advertisements, and also asked some friends from large companies. Finally, I defined the scope of preparation in the following aspects: front-end basic knowledge, front-end framework/library principle, project experience, data structure and algorithm.

After demarcating the scope, I began to prepare the road of job-hopping. My plan is learning from 1 to 2 hours after work every day, learn more than 5 hours over the weekend, the business process is also active in work summary and highlights of the project, prepare the interview process is very hard, often will learn after 12 o ‘clock after work, rarely go out to play, and weekend is accompanied by anxiety in the process, finally in preparation for a period of time, I started the interview, This is also my first job hopping.

During my first days in Beijing, I also made my own personal plans. From my understanding of the housing price, hukou, school district and so on in Beijing, I concluded that I will not be in Beijing for a long time, because the difficulty and pressure of settling down is very big, people do not need to put themselves so tired.

If not in Beijing, then where? Since my hometown is in the western region, I finally chose a second-tier city in the western region based on a combination of job opportunities, difficulty of buying a house and distance from home. Therefore, I started my personal plan to settle down in this second-tier city three years later.

Two job-hopping, settled in a second-tier city

The result of the first job interview was quite unexpected, because I didn’t know what my level was, so I applied for almost all the companies I could apply for this job. Unexpectedly, most of the interviews went well, and it was not as difficult as I thought beforehand. I got about six or seven offers. Such a result was a great surprise for me who had only one and a half years of experience at that time. Afterwards, I wrote an article and made a lot of friends. I posted it here [Mian Jing] for a year and a half in the cold winter.

In the end, I chose a dance factory among all the offers, because in my opinion, it was a company with rapid development and vigorous vitality, which was also the optimal solution I made based on my own situation at that time. The experience of working at the dance factory was fulfilling and enjoyable, and the work experience here was completely different from the first small company.

First of all, the average level of colleagues around me is relatively high, and I also feel the pleasure of teamwork here. If there are any problems, we can discuss technical solutions and solutions together, and we can make a lot of progress in the process of reviewing code with each other. Then, there are more types of business, such as middle and background, mixed development, partial C end and so on. As long as you are active, you can achieve good growth. And in the process of doing business, looking at some senior colleagues and leaders around me, I also have some new views on technology and business.

Of course, every company has its disadvantages, such as too much overtime, work too repetitive and so on, I believe that most programmers will encounter similar problems.

During this period, my personal plan also made progress, such as solving the problem of settling down to buy a house in second-tier cities and so on.

Time flies. Everything was ready in a second-tier city, and it was almost the end of the plan. Finally, I “escaped” From Beijing and moved to a second-tier city to settle down.

Personal feelings

Graduate to a big company or a small company

I remember when I graduated from college, there was this idea that if you go to a big company, you’re all nuts, and if you go to a small company, you’ll get more exercise, but later I found out that was a problem. Because people have a process of growth, just graduated unless super big guy, otherwise whether in a large company or a small company, do things are screws, if a company dare to give very important things to fresh graduates to do, it shows that its talent management is a problem.

From god’s point of view, it’s best to join a fast-growing company right out of college with options, like bytedance in ’14, but those opportunities are so rare that it doesn’t hurt to have the vision.

Therefore, for graduates, they should try their best to go to large companies. First of all, the training system of large companies is more perfect, including technical and career courses and sharing. Secondly, the average level of colleagues in large companies is higher, which can also have a positive impact on their own, raise the workplace ceiling; The last thing I noticed when I was job-hopping and hiring was that people who had experience with a big company on their resume had a better chance of finding a job, which is a little bit of a halo.

Plan your career early

You need to think ahead and plan your career, otherwise it’s easy to get stuck in the middle of the year and ask yourself, “What did I do this year?” In frustration.

How to plan? First of all, you need to know yourself, your character, your strengths, your family and so on.

If your family can’t support buying a house in a first-tier city, can you consider which second-tier city is more suitable for you, and make early plans, more observation of second-tier city job opportunities;

If you want to be a breakthrough on career development, can draw a line, two route is the common good in a big company promotion level and to the development of the company to take the option, choose the first way you need to take the initiative to assume more things and get good results to report, choose the second way will need to pay more attention to B or C chakras startup;

If you don’t like coding very much, you can consider whether you want to change your career to do something you are better at.

In short, everything requires early career planning.

Focus on the business and products

When I first graduated, I was obsessed with technology, but later I realized the importance of business and product. Framework or open source libraries, technology for us, just do the tools, technology upgrade, the emergence of new wheels, again and again is to let us can more and faster to make the product quality, if even didn’t know what to do product, why do, it’s easy to become a tool for people, here refer to lei jun in the life of the program’s a paragraph of the article:

Some people learn programming technology, is the senior programmer as the pursuit of the goal, or even a lifelong goal. Later, after participating in the development of truly commoditized software, I became confused and confused.

As long as a person has the tenacity and spirituality, and the opportunity to touch and learn computer programming techniques, they will be a good programmer. At the beginning of writing procedures, people who learn more at this time write better, and later, everyone on a level, who write good only depends on whether the person is careful, resilient, spiritual. A little more or a little less, and you’ll soon catch up. It is not difficult to become a senior programmer.

When I was in school, senior programmer was also my goal. I wanted to be recognized for my skills. It turns out that no matter how advanced programmers are useless, the key is whether you can come up with ideas and products, whether your labor can be recognized by the society and create wealth for the society. Being a senior programmer is definitely not the goal.

Think of interviewing as learning

Many people are afraid of failing in the interview. I don’t think it is necessary. We should take the interview as a learning experience.

First of all, it is difficult to determine a person’s true level in an hour or so of interview, because it is impossible to investigate both basic knowledge and programming literacy in such a short time, and the level of the interviewer is different. You are good at Nodejs, but the interviewer is only familiar with React but does not understand Nodejs. That interview when the interviewer will pick the question that he knows only, this is guan Gong zhan Qin Qiong, ask not to come out what result.

Second, failure in an interview is not necessarily a question of competence. When we send the offer, we will also be affected by these factors: whether there is HC at present, whether the cost performance is higher, if it is a high rank, we will also consider whether there is a bad position and so on.

So, don’t be afraid of an interview. Use it as an opportunity to learn, to communicate, and if possible, to interview once a year to get a feel for the market.

Looking to the future

People tend to overestimate the changes in one year, but underestimate the changes in five years. I hope we can make a good plan for the next stage and encourage each other.

I am Ear East, currently in a large factory to do front, my public number is “front ear east”

The public account will update articles every week, mainly including:

1, front-end technology analysis, whether it is new technology, source code analysis, serialization tutorial, I will involve

2, programmers related workplace experience, such as how to promote programmers, programmers should pay attention to what job-hopping and so on

In addition, the following services are also provided:

1. Revise your resume

2. Technical consultation

3. Technical planning

Welcome to “Front ear east”