In this article, I’ll list some of the most impressive and polished Linux distributions for Linux users, both beginner friendly and popular.

1. elementary OS

Elementary OS is a polished desktop Linux distribution based on Ubuntu that claims to be the most beautiful Linux distribution ever. In fact, Elementary started as a theme-beautification project for Ubuntu, but became so popular that it became a standalone distribution. On its website, Elementary OS describes itself as a fast, open source alternative to Windows/macOS.

Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative, so it is fully compatible with all Ubuntu packages. Although based on Ubuntu, it abandons many of the default Ubuntu applications and uses a number of lightweight alternatives. For example, the Mail program uses Geary Mail instead of ThunderBird, the Terminal uses Pantheon Terminal, the text editor uses Scratch, the music player uses Noise, the file manager is Pantheon Files, and so on.

This beautiful Linux distribution references a number of macOS design elements to provide a cleaner experience for users. Elementary OS from the interface appearance to the system design elements are very beautiful, forcing the bar is very high! If you want to experience Linux and beautiful interface design, consider it.

Why Elementary OS?

  • Similar appearance to macOS
  • Lightweight and efficient desktop environment
  • A selection of carefully selected applications

Check out the Elementary OS website

2. Deepin

Deepin, also known as the deep operating system, is a homegrown Linux distribution. Deep Operating System provides users with a beautiful, easy to use, secure and reliable Linux distribution. Not only does it integrate and configure the best open source products, it also develops a deep desktop environment and depth control center based on Qt technology.

Deep operating system has an easy-to-use experience and beautiful design. For most users, it is easy to install and use, and can replace Windows for work and play. In addition, its Deepin Store offers a large number of applications.

The history of Deepos can be traced back to 2004, when its predecessor Hiweed Linux was the first localized version based on Debian in China. It was renamed Deep Operating System in 2008.

The default Deepin Desktop Environment has gone through a number of changes. Early on, Deepin used IceWM, XFCE, LXDE, and GNOME before settling on a self-developed Deepin Desktop Environment. In terms of the underlying systems based, there have been many changes from Morphix, Debian, and Ubuntu.

Why Deepin?

  • Function of innovation
  • Beautiful design
  • Deepin Store
  • Easy to use installation program

Check out the Deepin website

3. Solus OS

Based on Debian, Solus OS is a desktop Linux distribution created from scratch. In a remarkably short time, Solus OS has become one of the fastest growing and coolest Linux distributions. It follows a minimalist style with a flat and modern look, and Solus OS comes with a range of software installed by default, including LibreofficeSuite, Firefox, Thunderbird, XChat, OpenShotVideoEditor, and more.

Budgie is based on GNOME, but Solus’s own Budgie doesn’t use GNOME Shell. Budgie for Solus has a main menu to access available applications. It is also with the help of the Budgie desktop environment that Solus has become a compelling Linux distribution. Additionally, Solus recently added support for Snaps from the Ubuntu Snappy Store, which makes it much easier to use.

Why Solus?

  • One of the fastest growing new releases
  • Use the Budgie desktop environment
  • Support the Snap
  • Out of the box

Check out the Solus website

4. Nitrux

Nitrux is also a beautiful Linux distribution that is design based. Nitrux is based on Ubuntu Unstable Dev and uses the Nomad desktop environment based on KDE Plasma 5 and Qt. Nitrux features Babe Music player and Nomad firewall utility.

Nitrux’s core ideas include a common application format that is portable and comes with custom software, rolling distribution, and 64-bit only systems.

Why Nitrux OS?

  • Custom applications
  • Beautiful desktop UI
  • Minimalist design

Check out the Nitrux OS website

5. KDE Neon

If you’re looking for a beautiful and lightweight Linux experience, and you’re a big KDE fan, consider KDE Neon. Neon provides a way for KDE fans to get their hands on the latest KDE software as soon as it is released (a quick repository of software updates).

KDE Neon is based on the LTS version of Ubuntu. In terms of appearance, KDE Neon’s main features are its beautiful flat theme, widgets that can be easily added to the desktop, and intuitive and user-friendly menus. With this beautiful Linux distribution, you can not only get the stability of the LTS version of Ubuntu, but also enjoy a smooth experience.

Why KDE Neon?

  • The latest KDE software
  • Based on solid Ubuntu LTS
  • Free to use, beautiful, flat theme

Check out the KDE Neon website

6. feren OS

Feren OS is a desktop Linux distribution based on Linux Mint, and its custom-developed Cinnamon desktop environment makes it the most visually appealing Linux distribution out there. It also offers a similar experience to the macOS and Windows operating systems.

Feren OS looks familiar at first glance, as it has a Windows-like start button and taskbar. Not only does it look similar, feren OS also includes a WINE compatibility layer for running Windows applications. So Feren OS is a user experience that is both familiar and innovative.

Why Feren OS?

  • Familiar desktop and start menu
  • Simple, flat design
  • Modern style, friendly to beginners

Check out the Feren OS website

7. Pop! _OS

Pop! _OS is a Linux distribution recently released by System76, a well-known Linux notebook manufacturer. It is based on the Ubuntu and GNOME desktop environment, hoping to provide users with personalized and fresh use experience.

Although based on the GNOME desktop environment, System76 will personalize the user interface, drivers and other content, with a modern and concise appearance, better control of the user experience.

Pop! The creative and functional focus of _OS is to make the Linux desktop more productive for professional users and a good helper for engineers, developers and computer science.

Why Pop! _OS?

  • Soothing color themes
  • Fresh look and minimalist style
  • Designed for creativity in computer science

Look at the Pop! _OS website

8. Zorin OS

Zorin OS is best known for its highly windows-like graphical interface, with many desktop effects by default. Users’ first impressions are mostly beautiful and traditional Windows usage.

Zorin OS is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu, specifically designed for beginners to Linux. Because of the built-in WINE, it can support many Windows applications, as well as the common office and entertainment applications. The ultimate goal of this distribution is to provide a Linux alternative to Windows and let Windows users enjoy all the features of Linux without the hassle.

Why Zorin OS?

  • Comply with Windows usage
  • Popular distribution with good support
  • A beautiful and stable Linux desktop experience

Check out the Zorin OS website