How to use Python to retrieve mobile APP data

Set the proxy through the mobile phone, and then start the packet capture tool on the PC to get the data packet, and then write python code (get mode) to request the data

Last time, some fans said that it was an ios phone. Android phones now need root permission to install certificates. So today, I will not take mobile phones as an exampleA PC is used as an exampleSo that everyone can try it

Today we will teach you how to write Python code to construct data packets after catching post data packets. Here we will explain how to obtain the number of views, likes and views of “wechat official number” articles. (The reason why this example is mainly a little difficult, so I will share this technology with you.)

1 Packet capture tool

Again, Fiddler is used here

Why use a package capture tool instead of just copying the link to the article and collecting it in the browser?

Because you can’t see the number of views, likes, and views in the browser

Therefore, packet capture is adopted here

1. Configuration Fiddler

The port number is set to 8888

Set the domain name filter here, the purpose is to view only the domain name packets that need to be viewed

2. Install the certificate

Click the first one to install the certificate on your PC, and Fiddler can grab HTTPS packets

2 PC agent

In Settings – proxy, set the corresponding IP address and port (here IP is native IP, and the corresponding port in Fiddler)

Now you can start capturing packets

3 The packet capture starts

Open the wechat public account article on the PC, for example

Open Fiddler and see the packets

For example, in the original text, reading number: 576, likes: 20, watching: 5

Json data returned by the packet

4 Programming to construct a Post request

After catching the packet, we can know the cookies, forms, request links and other information

Before we start writing the code, let me give you a general idea of what data we need to use (there are many parameters in the form, but most of them are not needed)

The request header (instead of cookie here), user-agent, emulates the mobile browser

# target url
origin_url= ""

headers = {
    "Cookie": yourcookie,
    "User-Agent": "Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, Like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.95 Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI WindowsWechat QBCore/ QQBrowser / 9.0.2524.400"
Copy the code

Here are three of the parameters required by the request.

data = {
    "is_only_read": "1"."is_temp_url": "0"."appmsg_type": "9".We can't get like_num without adding it
Copy the code

The rest of the parameters (each parameter has its own description)

### the same public account, this will not change
your__biz =""
### Every article has a different MID
### Every article has a different SN
# # # remains the same
### is valid for dozens of minutes, after which it needs to be updated again
Copy the code


To construct the request

origin_url = ""
appmsgext_url = origin_url + "__biz={}&mid={}&sn={}&idx={}&appmsg_token={}&x5=1".format(your__biz, article_mid, article_sn, article_idx, yourappmsg_token)
content =, headers=headers, data=data).json()

print(content["appmsgstat"] ["read_num"], content["appmsgstat"] ["old_like_num"],content["appmsgstat"] ["like_num"])
Copy the code

You can see that the post has been successfully sent, and extract the corresponding number of views, likes, and views

5 extension

If the same public account needs to obtain the data of other articles, it only needs to change mid and SN. The links of different articles are shown in the figure below



This article explains how to climb the PC data (to wechat public number as an example), the process is very detailed, full of dry goods, I hope to play a role in the effect, so that we learn more technology!

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