Because the front-end time is too slow, I did not update it. Now I will release the code behind the development process of the dating website development of this project, hoping to help you learn and use it.

This is the front desk, the member part controller

Recommend some

class IndexController extends SiteController {

public function index($w=""){ if(! $this->uinfo){ redirect(U("Public/index")); exit; } if(C("onlywx")==1 && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MicroMessenger') === false){ $this->siteDisplay('jg_qzwxdk'); exit; } $media=$this-> ($this->); $this->assign('media', $media); $where = " 1=1 "; $sex = I("",'','intval'); if(! $sex = $this->uinfo['sex']; $sex = $this->uinfo['sex']; '2', '1'. $cookiesex =cookie('defsex'); $sex = $cookiesex? $cookiesex:$sex; }else{ $sex = $sex; cookie('defsex',$sex,3600); } if($sex>0) $where.=" and sex=".$sex; $where.=" and ismj=1"; $age = I("post.age",'','intval'); if($age>0){ $now = date("Y"); switch($age){ case 1: $where.=" and age between ".($now-25)." and ".($now-18); break; case 2: $where.=" and age between ".($now-35)." and ".($now-26); break; case 3: $where.=" and age between ".($now-40)." and ".($now-36); break; case 4: $where.=" and age between ".($now-50)." and ".($now-40); break; case 5: $where.=" and age between ".($now-100)." and ".($now-50); break; }}

In part

$areaList = A(‘Home/Site’)->get_area();

foreach ($areaList as $v){ if($v['rootid']==0){ $province[] =$v; } if($v['rootid']==$querypama['provinceid']){ $city[] =$v; } } $this->assign('province',$province); $this->assign('city',$city); / / / / area dump ($querypama); if($_POST['p']>=200)exit; if (I("post.ajax") == 1) $this -> ajaxReturn($list); shuffle($list); $this -> assign('list1', $list); $this -> assign('page', $show); $this -> assign('sex', $sex); $this -> assign('age', $age); if(cookie("dw")) $this -> assign('dw', 0); else $this -> assign('dw', 1); $today = date("Ymd",time()); if($today == cookie('qiandaotime'.$this->uinfo["id"])||$today == S('qiandaotime'.$this->uinfo["id"]) || C('qd_config') == 0){ $this -> assign('qd',1); }else{ $this -> assign('qd', 0); } //if(cookie('newberenwu'.$this->uinfo["id"])) $this -> assign('nonewbe',1); $gg = M('Content')->cache(true,300)->where('class_id=8 and (sex=0 or sex='.$this->uinfo['sex'].')')->order('sequence desc,time desc')->limit(1)->find(); if(cookie('gg')! = $gg [' content_id ']) cookie (' gg ', 0300); $this->assign('gg',$gg); $this->siteDisplay(C('TPL_INDEX')); }

Graphics Settings

public function photo(){

if(! $this->uinfo){ redirect(U("Public/index")); exit; } $media=$this->; $this->assign('media', $media); $where = " 1=1 "; $sex = I("",'','intval'); if(! $sex = $this->uinfo['sex']; $sex = $this->uinfo['sex']; '2', '1'. $cookiesex =cookie('defsex'); $sex = $cookiesex? $cookiesex:$sex; }else{ $sex = $sex; cookie('defsex',$sex,3600); } if($sex>0) $where.=" and sex=".$sex; $age = I("post.age",'','intval'); if($age>0){ $now = date("Y"); switch($age){ case 1: $where.=" and age between ".($now-25)." and ".($now-18); break; case 2: $where.=" and age between ".($now-35)." and ".($now-26); break; case 3: $where.=" and age between ".($now-40)." and ".($now-36); break; case 4: $where.=" and age between ".($now-50)." and ".($now-40); break; case 5: $where.=" and age between ".($now-100)." and ".($now-50); break; } } $provinceid = I("post.provinceid",'','intval'); $cityid = I("post.cityid",'','intval'); $querypama = $this->get_areaid_toquery($provinceid,$cityid); if($querypama['id']){ $where .= " and u.".$querypama['type'].'='.$querypama['id']; } $where .=' or cityid=0'; $where .=" and p.flag =1 and p.phototype=0"; //elite=1 and $User = M("user_photo"); $count = $User->alias('p')->cache(true,300)->join("__USERS__ as u ON")->where($where) -> count(); $_GET['p']=$_POST['p']; $Page = new \Think\Page($count, 15); $show = $Page -> show(); $list = $User->alias('p')->cache(true,300) ->field('p.thumbfiles,u.avatar,p.photoid,p.idmd5,u.user_nicename,p.hits')->join("__USERS__ as u ON")-> where($where) -> order('p.elite,p.photoid desc') -> limit($Page -> firstRow . ',' . $Page -> listRows) -> select(); foreach($list as $key=> $val){ $list[$key]['aurl'] = U("Show/photo", array("pid" => $val[idmd5])); }