The box model

Box concept:

Each TAB on the page can be viewed as a “box”, which makes layout easier from the perspective of the box


CSS provides that each box is composed of four parts: content, padding, border, and margin

1. Width and height of content

Action: Uses the width and height attributes. The default setting is the size of the box content area

Property: width/height

Common values are number +px

2. Padding

Effect: Setting the distance between the border and the content area

Property name: PADDING

Memory rule: Assignment from the top, then clockwise (upper right, lower left), if assigned, look opposite!!

Padding – Single direction setting

Scene: A box with a separate inside margin in one direction

Property name: PADDing-position noun

Property value: number + px

Padding-left = 10px;

3. Border

Border – border: thickness of the border style of the border color of the border;

Border-width: top right, bottom left; Border-top: width of border style of border color of border; Digital + px;

Border-style: top right bottom left; Border-right: width of border style of border color of border; The solid line indicates that the dashed line increased from five to five

Border-color: top right, bottom left; Border-bottom: width of border style of border color of border;

4. Margin

Effect: Setting the distance between boxes outside the frame;

Property name: margin

Memory rule: Assignment from the top, then clockwise (upper right, lower left), if assigned, look opposite!!

Margin – Set in one direction

Scene: Only a single margin in one direction of the box

Translation: Margin-orientation noun

Property value: number + px

Horizontal margin calculation

Horizontal layout of the box, left and right margin normal, do not affect each other

Finally, the distance between the two is the sum of left and right margin

Merger phenomena

Scene: Vertical layout of block-level elements with upper and lower margins merged

Result: The final distance between the two is the maximum margin

Margin for only one box

Subsidence phenomenon

Scene: block-level elements nested within each other, so that the margin-top of the child element is applied to the parent element

Effect: Causing the parent element to move down together


1. Set the parent element to border-top or padding-top (margin-top separating parent elements)

2. Set overflow: hidden for the parent element // Recommended usage

3. Convert to inline block elements

4. Set the float


Vertical margins for inline elements are not valid,

The vertical distance can be changed by lineheight;

5. Pay attention to the box model

1. Internal subtraction problem

Problem Description:

After adding the padding /border, the box will be enlarged and the width and height of the elements will increase.

To keep the width and height of the original element unchanged, you must subtract some of the content width and height;

Solution ① : Manual internal reduction

• Action: Calculate the excess size yourself and subtract it from the content manually

• Disadvantages: Too much calculation in the project, very troublesome

Solution ② : Automatic internal reduction

• Action: set box property box-sizing: border-box; Can be

• Advantages: The browser automatically calculates the excess size, automatically subtracts the content,

You don’t need to change the content size; the width and height of the box elements remain the same

2. Common width and height of box models

1. Content width and height:

Is the width and height set by the width/height attribute of the tag; 200, 200,

2. Element width and height:

Width = left margin + left margin +width+ right margin + right margin; 40 + 20 + 200 + 20 + 40

High degree of empathy;

3. Width and height of element space:

Width = left margin + left margin + left inner margin +width+ right inner margin + right margin + right margin + right margin; 30 + 40 + 20 + 200 + 20 + 40 + 30

3. Ultimate calculation formula of actual box size:

• Box width = left padding + left padding + content width + right padding + right padding

• Box height = top border + top padding + Content width + Bottom padding + bottom border


Standard flow:

Standard flow: Also known as document flow, is a set of typographical rules adopted by browsers by default when rendering and displaying web page content, specifying how elements should be arranged

Design, Preparation, and preparation of standard stream layouts:

1. Block-level elements: Top down, vertical layout, exclusive row

2. In-line elements or in-line blocks: left-to-right, horizontal layout, automatic folding when there is not enough space


Floating flow is a “semi-detached” typesetting method

Floating flow has only one layout, horizontal layout. It can only set the left or right alignment of an element

Left float: float: left

Right float: float: right

Floating flow has no center alignment, that is, no center

Margin: 0 auto; margin: 0 auto;

There is no distinction between block-level elements/in-line elements/in-line block-level elements in floating flows

Both block-level elements/inline elements/inline block-level elements can be typesetted horizontally

The width can be set for either block-level elements/inline elements/inline block-level elements in a floating flow

To sum up, elements in a floating flow are a lot like in-row block-level elements in a standard flow

More than one line can be displayed, and the width and height can be set

What is the de-scaling of floating elements?

Off-scaling: Departure from the standard flow

When an element is floated, it looks as if it has been removed from the standard stream. This is the de-indexing of the floating element

Remove the floating

Designed to remove the effect of floating

• Impact: If the child element floats, it cannot support the block-level parent element of the standard stream

➢ reasons:

• Child elements float off the scale → do not occupy position

➢ purpose:

• The parent element needs to have height so that it does not affect the layout of other page elements

Method to clear the float

① Set the parent element height directly

➢ features:

• Advantages: Simple and crude, convenient

• Disadvantages: Some layouts do not have fixed parent height. For example: news list, JINGdong recommendation module

② Extra label method

➢ operation:

1. Add a block-level element at the end of the parent element content

2. Set clear:both for the added block-level elements

➢ features:

• Disadvantages: Add extra tags to the page, which can complicate the HTML structure of the page

③ Single pseudo-element elimination method

Operation: Substitution of extra tags with pseudo-elements

• Advantages: Used in projects, add tags directly to clear the float

(Add the class name to the element that you want to clear the float, and then reference the element directly in the CSS.)


​ content:” “;

​ display:block;

​ clear:both;

// Add code that, for compatibility purposes, does not see false elements in the web page

​ height =0;

​ visibility:hidden

​ }

④ Double pseudo-element elimination method

Advantages: Used in projects, add tags directly to clear the float

⑤ Set overflow: hidden to the parent element

Set Overflow: Hidden directly to the parent element

Pseudo elements

Goal: The ability to create content in a web page using pseudo-elements

Pseudo-elements: Pseudo-elements can be used in non-body content on a normal page

➢ difference:

1. Element: HTML set tags

2. Pseudo-element: the label effect simulated by CSS

➢ species

::before adds a pseudo-element to the parent element

::after Adds a pseudo-element to the end of the parent element


1. You must set the Content property to take effect

2. The default pseudo-element is the inline element **Copy the code
div ::before {
            content: "I am in front of the words.";
            color: red;
Copy the code
    <span>/ I am the middle of the text /</span>
Copy the code

Note: Single-closed tags do not support pseudo-elements, such as img and input