In those years

In 11 years, MY first time out of the valley, my father took me to the provincial capital xi ‘an by green train.

Everything was new and I started my college life.

On the day of registration, the senior recommended the quilt to me, saying that only this kind of quilt can be brought into the dormitory. My father and I did not hesitate to buy it.

After cleaning up the dormitory and eating fried noodles with my father in the canteen, my father went to catch the train.

During the military training, it rained for many days. What was terrible was that the rain was especially heavy on the day of reporting the performance.

Freshman class on time, barely can understand. Sophomore occasionally cut class, the Internet bar is very fun.

Third dormitory entertainment, league of Legends open black. Senior busy make-up exams, thesis and graduation have to do.

That year,

It was the early spring of 2015, I was facing graduation, four years of university, very unforgettable.

Swarm, get some state-owned enterprise internship qualification.

The internship was easy and pleasant. Fortunately, I was persuaded to leave by my senior. The 2000 salary was not enough for me to live on.

It was very difficult to break the contract. Finally, I recovered my identity as a fresh graduate. After graduation in July, I just entered the society and became a designer.

First job

CAD hands, drawings shua Shua shua, overtime day and night, design fee warehouse lang Lang.

Go out special car seat, go to the scene alone, the body is tired, sweat drops rain, bonus buckle nearly no.

The telemarketing software industry is very profitable. I’m interested in moving.

Second job

Software industry ignorance, can only join the outsourcing division.

Good software for me to do, who knows the equipment room hug. Or tired.

By a strange coincidence, the team is understaffed, so I’m temporarily on top.

It was hard at the beginning. I had no experience and worked overtime until one day I suddenly realized that I was like this.

From then on, CURD became obsessed, and so on for a couple of months.

Suddenly one day touch pocket, have no money to buy keyboard. The body is consumed with emptiness.

So ask the leadership to leave? Leadership to resume pay raise not to go? No, no, no. Start over.

Third job

Work has changed three, oneself also have thought.

Front end and back end, no need to divide which end.

Python, Java, go are all the same, or less overtime, WLB is what I want to live.

The depth of technology is unknown, or follow your heart. The most important thing is to find the location, not blindly chasing the wind.

Work and family balance, body is revolution money. As in all industries, hard work has its day.

Above, mutual encouragement!