The topic of the discussion of the last issue of “Public talk blockchain” is “will stablecoin become the basic currency in the token”. Teacher Pan Chao answered all kinds of questions about stablecoin online, and also described the role of stablecoin in the coin circle by combining economics and the current trend.

In this issue of Blockchain, Xiao Wei, Yang Zhen and He Qiang, together with three teachers, answered the questions accumulated by everyone during this period of time, and had an in-depth discussion on digital assets, side chain and cross-chain technology.

Topics: Digital assets, side-chain and cross-chain Q&A

Time: Saturday, June 16, 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Host **** person: Pei Yao

Special guests: Xiao Wei, Yang Zhen, He Qiang

Discussion: a memoir

Xiao Wei SuperX: If you have any questions in the investment process of digital assets, please bring them up for discussion.

@Meow uncle 💤: How is the revenue calculated? Cny, BTC or ETH? And why?

Shandong: What is the next FT tuyere

Li Dagou: As far as I know, Mr. Xiao Lai has never played Ethereum…

SuperX:1. The income is a ratio between the amount of your investment and the amount of current digital currency; Greater than 1, win, less than 1, lose; Look at above a time node, the currency of investment belongs to not must currency, just can assure state of mind not unbalance, otherwise hold hard for a long time!

@Xiaowei SuperX:2, The next outlet, I personally think from the virtual and real two parts. Real part is the real solve the real practical problems, such as copyright now confirm the problem, and now the problem of tax evasion, and cash problems closely related, from the point of virtual part, mainly complete virtual assets equaling, materialization of complete digital assets transactions, so as to satisfy the demand of virtual reality. From the perspective of human development, the development of blockchain ultimately needs to be based on people’s material and spiritual needs, so that it can be better used in the real world.

@Meow uncle 💤: Focus on chains or contracts

SuperX: Start with the contract, then focus on the chain based on the needs of the company;

Buffer: Decentralized trading is not necessary at all?

@Shawway SuperX: In the long term, it is necessary. In the short term, the time is not right. There are still many people who won’t use metamask wallets.

@buffer: Is EOS a semi-centralized currency? Will its emergence make digital currency deviate from its original intention of decentralization?

Hank: How do you participate in the development of EOS as a programmer, share the dividend, and how will your company lay out the blockchain or EOS ecosystem? Thank you very much!

The development of ETH is also from 2013 to 2017. In the process of completing the smart contract, the biggest function should be the current coin issuance and digital information chain, so EOS still needs time to observe. Personally, I don’t think IT is possible for EOS to truly become the most excellent public chain. Therefore, in this process, it may be more beneficial for me to enhance my own value to master the general technology of public chain development and complete application development based on various public chains.

@Buffer: Now the threshold of digital currency investment is too high. Many people have not studied systematically and cannot master the investment of digital currency. This is not good for the development prospect of digital currency.

@Showie SuperX: Yes, because of us

Buffer: What role will digital currency play in popularizing asset securitization?

@Shawway SuperX: The air coin will slowly die out

Buffer: How do you understand the current national attitude towards digital currency? What kind of state will it be?

@Xiaowei SuperX: Overall consideration, inclusive, all flowers bloom together

There is no necessary relationship between securitization and digital currency. The premise of asset securitization is the digitization of assets, which has nothing to do with tokens. It is more related to the business characteristics of the enterprise itself.

Buffer: I think it is possible for asset securitization to go the way of digital currency? @The wind is quiet and far

The government’s stance on digital currencies is not yet clear but the possibility of an official cryptocurrency or digital token is very high

In China, at the present stage, the country defines digital currencies like Bitcoin as virtual goods, which have the same status as Q coins. Digital currency countries will certainly do, this 16 years have a policy out.

From a corporate perspective, securitisation helps lower the cost of financing, but it depends on the business itself

He Qiang: But the country can only allow the national team to do it, not accept the external ready-made digital currency model.

Buffer: Some people say that money is necessarily centralized. What do you think of that?

Even if a country does digital currency, it won’t really be a public chain, there will be access

He Qiang: According to the current financial policies and foreign monetary policies of China, there is no chance to recognize international digital currency in the short term.

Buffer: Is it possible for securitization to be efficient with the help of digital currency or blockchain technology?

The most important thing is the digitization of assets. I still don’t think it has anything to do with digital currency. The current enterprise blockchain technologies don’t have tokens

He Qiang: Whether asset securitization is efficient or not depends on whether digital currency or block chain technology is used.

Blockchain is just a database, for enterprise applications, so this is fundamentally important

For most ToC businesses, if the whole process is online, assets can be securitized whether or not the data is on the blockchain. Of course, if it is on the blockchain, it is technically more credible, but that’s about it

@Buffer: The current Taiwan dollar, I think, is just like asset securitization. In the future, this idea can be applied to general companies. I wonder what effect it will have?

I don’t agree with you, public and enterprise blockchain are completely different areas

Buffer: Well, let’s talk about it. I’m a layman too! Just some of my own superficial thinking, block chain is possible to solve the problem of trust, which I think is the key!

I have been doing enterprise IT services for 17 years. Time and time again, I have seen in reality how low the digitization level of domestic enterprises is, how complex their businesses are, and how poor their standardization is, which can’t be solved with a distributed ledger database (blockchain) or even a public chain.

Lisa Z: Taiwan dollar, if Huobi isa stir-fry currency, we will use the profits of the project to buy back the tokens and destroy them or make our own, so that the tokens in circulation are scarce and then cooperate with PR to enhance market confidence and raise the price

Buffer: What is the status of digitalization of foreign enterprises?

@elite Community- Cabbage: @Xiao Wei Thanks for sharing

The market value of securitization is over 40% in European and US financial markets, but currently less than 5% in China, this is the gap

@elite Community- Cabbage: @Fengjing Mau Technology Dagod teacher good

@buffer: That’s a big gap!

Our ABS/ABN business has grown fast in the past two years, but for most companies, there is still a lot to do, but it has nothing to do with public chain or tokens

@Calm won: @cabbage 🎗 don’t mention it

He Qiang: I think this has a lot to do with national policies…

@Fengjing Moping: I talk too much, forgive me

Thank you for your answer, I feel great, thank you

Rico: Not only that, the main problem with the level of digitalization in China is the confusion of standards, almost autonomy, and everyone thinks they are awesome

@Fengjing Moping: You’re welcome, @Rico

Teacher, ask you a question, last year it was all coins to give birth to children, this year it is node, now it is NT dollar, what do you feel is next?

@Buffer: At present, digital currency is mostly speculative. There are no applications that can be implemented. They are all in the stage of verification and imagination!

Rico: You have been doing enterprise IT for about the same time as me

@Fengjing Muping: What @Rico does is probably taught by the truth many times, so in the end he is disheartened or powerless

Rico :@buffer do not generalize to the whole, divided into air coins, flat NT dollars

@Fengjingping: @Cabbage 🎗 I won’t talk about economy, not an economist

@elite Community- Cabbage: Ok, technology only

@buffer: @Rico Nt $I think there is progress. I think the next one will be community currency by community route

I do enterprise management software development, design, big data integration and analysis, team management as well

I’ve been doing SaaS products for the past few years, BI/AI, BigData not, I was obsessed with engineering methods (CMMI, Agile, DevOps) in my early years, but I was also dispiritedlol

Rico :@buffer community coin, I think it is a point, because a coin is better promoted and circulated among a group of people with consensus


The so-called FLAT NT, community coins, they have to show their business value or value, otherwise they will be abandoned sooner or later. There are also operational issues, it’s very complicated. But it’s probably safe to say that most of them don’t live very long.

Teacher, ask you a question, starting from Bitcoin folk last year, to masterNodes led by EOS this year, what do you feel is the next technology hot spot? I think it is side chain, there are many public chains already, there are many big cars already built, can you talk about your opinion from the technical level?

Rico: But I don’t think it can be played like Air Coin and over-hyped

I’m currently focusing on side chains and cross-chains but the cross-chain protocol itself is complex and it’s hard to do protocol-level unification of ethereum account data state and UTXO legal transitions. So in the short term it’s side chain. Such as Plasma, or a project like Loom for the SDK, which has just been published

@Rico: @cabbage 🎗 Are you still considering the main chain technology?

Also in terms of direction, the foreign direction is still bottom-up, maybe we can have other options, start from portals or apps, so I think these are optional options

Elite Community- Cabbage: Got it. Thanks for the guidance

@elite Community- Cabbage: @Rico I’m actually thinking about combining hot, trending, and making money.

The blockchain world is far from being a finished product now. There are opportunities for everyone, from investing in breakout points to seeing who can make a viable app first, platforms are looking at the long term

@elite Community- Cabbage: The teacher gave me the direction of development, the general direction, then I will pay attention to the relevant coins

Rico: The public chain debate is not over yet, but it takes time to mature. Personally, I don’t think there will be more public chain technology in a short time. What we need now is stability and security, and the key is to look at DAPP. In addition, the alliance chain is a point, and the enterprise application play is different from the public chain

@elite Community- Cabbage: @Rico I agree with your DAPP

@elite Community- Cabbage: A friend of mine is planning to do a public link. Seeing her enthusiasm, I am too embarrassed to say anything. They’re seven or eight people. They don’t have financing

Rico: I personally do not touch the air, only look at the platform and specific application, blockchain concept mature, people are more mature than before, money is not so easy to raise

Elite Community- Cabbage: Feeling a little empty, it’s hard to raise money now

It doesn’t have to be a Dapp, it can be a centralised app based on a side chain, it doesn’t really matter to the user if it’s a Dapp

Rico: Stability and security are the foundation of the public chain. Don’t play without strength. It’s a bottomless pit

The biggest problem with dapps right now is that the user experience is so poor, like metamask, like wallets (blockchain browser or DApp browser) that the average user can hardly use them

Rico: In the alliance chain realm, stability and security can be reduced a bit

@elite Community- Cabbage: A lot, thanks @Fengjing Mau Ping @Rico

Rico: If you want to build a public chain for fun, it’s easy, just like QTUM quantum, which is basically ethereum stuff with very little code change

@ static wind Hu wen ping: league chain also depends on the business, technically I say should probably not be a universal union chain, are within a specific industry, but the problem is are competitors, why should I Shared/public some data and rivals, quantum chain and etheric fang is different, quantum chain is based on intelligent contracts UTXO platform

Rico: The compilers for smart contracts use Ethereum, EVM

@Fengjing MAU: I’m talking about agreements…

Rico: There are some changes in the consensus mechanism

@Fengjing WON: I haven’t looked at quantum chain carefully, won’t comment

Rico: The language of smart contracts is solidity, currently compiled on ethereum’s compiler and then built on quantum, which was the low cost implementation of Ethereum. GAS is cheap

@Yan Yan: Thank you for your participation. That’s all for today’s chat. You can continue to digest it. The content of the discussion will be precipitated and published in the public number, and you can leave a message at the end of the article if you want to ask

The theme of the next issue has not yet been determined, and the special guests have not yet been determined, you are welcome to recommend yourself, or recommend ~ Next Saturday at 9pm, we will be there or square ~

(Note: “Public Talk blockchain” is a group discussion column, each issue focuses on a phenomenon or technology discussion, do not make investment advice.)

This article is from: HiBlock blockchain community wechat group discussion

HiBlock blockchain is a wechat group discussion activity organized by HiBlock blockchain community. It starts every Saturday at 9:00 PM on time, and we will discuss around a topic. If you are interested in it, you can join the group

Recommendation of offline activities

Interpretation technique salon | etheric lane with those not and chain and chain (chongqing)

Technical Sharon | don’t blow the cowhide, block chain (shenzhen) can be discussed with the myth of landing

| of the technique salon of the tuyere, experienced transformation of traditional “developer” do you want to block chain development? (xian)

Technical workshop | using smart contracts of vulnerability, transferred a large amount of etheric currency is how to do? (Shanghai)

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