The development of mobile Internet makes Web front-end development more and more important. In recent years, more and more people join the Web front-end industry. As more people are engaged, the requirements for front-end developers are also higher. If you want to gain a higher salary, you need to strive for full-stack Web front-end developers. What knowledge does a novice need to acquire to become a full stack engineer? Next, Qian Feng will share three stages of learning plan with you.

First: Choose to learn a full-scene programming language. Full stack engineers are expected to master a full scenario programming language so that they can take on more development roles, which is more important in the context of the development team becoming smaller. Python, Java, and C# are all good choices at the moment, and Python is relatively easy to learn, making it suitable for beginners with a weak foundation.

Second: learn how to develop software based on the cloud computing platform. Current cloud computing platform in the development in the field of application is in the phase of popularization, the traditional software development are based on IaaS services, software development is the transition from IaaS to PaaS, master how to develop software by PaaS services can significantly improve the development efficiency, and a lot of development tasks will no longer need to programmers, The invocation can be done as a resource excuse.

Third: learn big data related development technology. In the future, a large number of Web development tasks will be gradually transformed into big data, including the back-end database system will also have obvious changes. So it is important for Web programmers to master big data related technologies. Learning big data technology can start from building a big data platform, and then gradually master how to complete the program design through the API interface provided by the big data platform.

With the development of big data and artificial intelligence, enterprises will have higher and higher requirements for Web front-end personnel in the future. Front-end engineers who know both front-end design and back-end development will become popular. To stay ahead of the competition, you need to learn the latest technology.