“Blocklike collates some of the current mining tools used by DEFI participants for analysis from on-chain analysis, data simulation, APY lookup, block lookup, integrated platform, visual browser, etc.” Since the second quarter, in the secondary market trend is weak, but a number of data still show that the heat of DEFI continues. For nearly a month, the total lockup volume of DEFI protocol has picked up compared to the previous period. Looking at the DEFI participants who created the data, one interesting thing is that the “farm tools” in the hands of the “farmers” have been updated and the “farming” topic is on the rise. It’s been a year since Compuond started liquid mining last June, and over the course of that year, decentralized pledge mining has shown itself in a different light than previous centralized pledge mining, such as “Pledge Mining,” “Game Mining,” “Watch Video Mining,” and “Transaction Mining.” And eventually became an important part of the DEFI outbreak. Defi- Decentralized Finance – Decentralized Application – DAPP “farm tools” update iteration, representing the decentralized mining ecology is still expanding. New farming “tools” can often be a good aid when you are deeply involved in the DEFI field. Since the fourth quarter of last year, tools with their own characteristics have appeared and been used, and some more intelligent tools have appeared in recent months. There is a renewed demand for DEFI mining from both DEFI participants and professional investors. With the acceleration of the turnover of instruments, on the one hand, it shows the deeper trading needs of DEFI investors; On the other hand, the DEFI ecosystem is changing, becoming more professional and demanding for developers and investors. CryptoFees: A data tracking and statistics platform for transaction costs. The website analyzes transaction fees, interest and other costs on Ethereum, BSC smart chain and Matic chain, and provides users with functions such as query of actual transaction costs, time tracking, comparison and API interface services. The platform of Apesafe.io can provide smart contract code comparison. Users can enter a new contract address and compare it with the selected hot contract, which can be referenced from the components of the code, management logic, exchange logic and other aspects. DuneAnalytics.com DuneAnalytics is a data tracking analytics tool that studies Ethereum smart contracts and is one of the most commonly used reference tools today. DuneAnalytics.com is able to query, extract, and visualize data on the Ethereum blockchain. SQL queries through DuneAnalytics provide the same experience as a normal database without requiring users to run ETH nodes or understand concepts such as the RPC API. At the same time, the hot spot data query done by many users can be directly used, which greatly reduces the threshold for users to obtain data analysis. Pools. FYI is a platform for tracking working capital pools, where you can see investment returns, token weights, trading information, and more. Major observation platforms include Curve, Uniswap, Sushiswap, Balancer, Bancor and more. New tools, new trends With these tools, investors are often able to participate more professionally in mobile mining, and in some discussions in the community, “tool change” has been used as a signal that DEFI mining is back on its way. Interestingly, while these tools are being recognized and recommended by the community, decentralized mining is continuing this positive trend through GameFi, NFT-Fi, etc. According to the other hand, in the large market environment, the community for the DeFi market has emerged new expectations. In August, with the long-awaited London upgrade to the Ethereum mainnet, EIP-1559 will change the cost model of bidding priority packaging and use algorithms to set the cost to reduce Gas costs. The new fee model consists of base fee and tips. The ETH of base fee will be destroyed every time a transaction occurs, which will bring benefits to Ethereum miners, DEFI, NFT, etc., as well as broader room for growth for the DEFI protocols on the chain. At the same time, the Layer2 track’s quality projects have helped ease Ethereum’s throughput constraints. This will be the core foundation for the next growth of DEFI. The new infrastructure is also giving investors a second look at the many possibilities of ‘liquidity mining.’ In addition, some analysts believe that the new traffic brought by the MEME concept is also being transmitted to DEFI. A good example is Shibaswap, a DeFi platform based on Shib. Within 24 hours of its launch, the total lockup value of Shibaswap quickly surpassed $1 billion. It is possible for the first large number of users from the Meme spread to enter the Defi domain directly. This growth rate also makes it very likely that the number of participants will quickly outpace some of the older Defi products. In terms of data, with the consecutive days of downward chain total lock position value (TVL) rebound, the market mainstream public chain TVL on June 26 has formed a small inflection point, as of the end of June, DEFI total lock value reached $117.6 billion, nearly half a month, the value has risen by more than 10%. At this stage, however, the slow inflow of funds is certainly good news for the development of DEFI Ecology. [This article was compiled and published by qkljys123.]