To add (a directory or file).

The command What is the The sample
touch[Directory name] Create a directory touch a
touch[File name] Create a file touch 1.txt
mkdir -p[Directory name/directory name] Creating a multi-level directory mkdir -p a/b/c/d
touch[Directory name][Directory name] Create multiple files touch 1.txt 2.txt
echo[String] Appends the specified string to a file echo‘What’s for today’ >>1.txt
echo -e Appends a multi-line string to a file echo -e ‘Hello /n tomorrow’ >>1.txt
cp[Directory name][New directory name] Copy directory cp 1.txt 2.txt
cp -r[Filename][New filename] Copy the file cp -r a b

To delete (a directory or file).

The command What is the The sample
rm -r[Directory name] Delete the directory rm -r a
rm[File name] Delete the file rm a
rm -rf[Directory name] Mandatory delete re -rf a

To look up (a directory or file)

The command What is the The sample
cd Enter the directory cd ~
pwd Viewing the Absolute Path pwd
ls Viewing directory files
Ls (path) View the specified directory file ls a
cat Viewing file Contents cat style.css
head Show previous content head style.css
tail Show what follows taol style.css
less Response display content less style.css

To modify (a directory or file).

The command What is the The sample
mv Move 1.txt to main.js mv 1.txt main.js
mv Remove file (remove 1.txt from main.js) mv main.js\/1.txt
mv rename mv 1.txt 2.txt
touch[File name] Modify the time touch main.js
echo Empty file echo '' >> 1.txt