Gnome is a Linux graphical interface that is more beautiful and easy to use under Linux. I’ve tested it myself, and it’s actually pretty easy. Here’s how to install and configure your desktop application.

1. Install gnOME

We only need to execute one command:

sudo apt install gnome
Copy the code

This process can take a long time to complete. During the installation process, a window will appear asking you to select the X display manager, select GDM3, and press Enter.

After the installation is complete, restart the system.

If you have multiple desktops installed, to switch desktops, run:

sudo update-alternatives --config x-session-manager
Copy the code

Follow the instructions and restart the system for the changes to take effect.

2. Modify the display manager (login interface)

This will allow you to select gdM3 when installing Gnome on it. This is just understanding.

The Display Manager (Login Manager) is a graphical interface that displays after startup. The login interface (the graphical interface where you enter your account and password to log in) is the user login interface before entering the desktop environment.

Using this display manager, we can switch the style of our login interface, for example, we can switch to Gnome login interface, or we can switch to kali login interface, which is different. Generally, there is a place for you to switch when you log in. Generally, the switch takes effect after restarting.

However, I used Lightdm on Kali before, and found that after using LightDM, I could only use the login interface of Kali and could not switch, so I switched to GDM3, and sure enough, I could change the login interface.

Switch command:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm3
Copy the code


sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm
Copy the code

After you select this option, restart the server.

3. Install the Gnome desktop plug-in

Gnome plug-ins are installed through its web page. Enter his plugin’s official website.

Then you need to install the extension for Your Chrome browser to install the plugin. Go to the plugin website and you will see this prompt. Click to install the plugin:

You can also go to Crx4Chrome and search for gnOME to download and install the plugin:

Then we search for plug-ins and turn on the enable switch after entering the page!

Gnome recommended plug-ins:

  • Dash to Dock
  • Applications Menu
  • TopIcons Plus (Top bar tray ICONS)

Open Optimization-Extensions in the application to configure individual installed extensions: