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The emergence of the metaverse is also inseparable from the maturity of ARTIFICIAL intelligence technology, in the metaverse we will be able to make friends with AI in virtual identity. Before we start talking about how to apply artificial intelligence to the metadverse, let’s look at what the metadverse is.

The universe is the world we live in in the future, what is the meta-universe. With the development of information technology, the metasomes form a virtual world, which is different from the virtual world we know through games or movies. Because this virtual world will further develop inside, which will in turn affect our world, and eventually form a new world where virtual and reality cross and coexist. It still sounds like a game.

So what kind of virtual world can be called a metasverse? Roblox, a pioneer of metasverse exploration, defines the metasverse. A meta-cosmic product should have eight elements: identity, friends, immersion, low latency, diversification, anytime, anywhere, economy, and civilization.

Identity (identity)

Everyone in the virtual world has their own virtual identity, regardless of their real identity.

Friends (friends)

You can socialize across space, and your friends can be real people or AI friends

Immersive (immersiveness)

Immersing yourself in the experience of the meta-universe, VR/AR devices provide immersive experiences

Low latency (Low Friction)

Everything in the meta-universe happens synchronously, there is no asynchrony or delay, and the experience is perfect. Reduce latency between servers in different locations through cloud platforms.

Diversity (appearance)

Offering rich, differentiated content, virtual worlds offer freedom and diversity beyond the real world.

Anywhere in the world

You can log in to the metasurverse anytime, anywhere, regardless of time and space.

Economic system

Like the real industrial economic system, the meta-universe also has its own economic system. Although the current game economy is too simple to call it an economy, blockchain technology provides the foundation of the system. Virtual worlds can be traded with virtual currency, which can also be exchanged for real money.

Civilization (civility)

Unique virtual civilization, digital civilization, in the current game has not formed civilization, at most is culture, virtual world will form civilized society.