A few days ago github saw an open source mall. To tell the truth, open source mall + front and back has been a lot. But the mall still let me download a try. The reason is simple and clear interface, perfect function. It’s almost straight to commercial use. Look at the submission record of the author. It was officially open source in October 2019. In just a few months, it gained more than 2,000 stars. That’s pretty good.

Although this project is the author to promote their own courses open source, but there is no blame. After all, people have to eat, and I’m all for it.

Newbee-mall project is a set of e-commerce system, including Newbee-Mall system and Newbee-mall-Admin backstage management system, based on Spring Boot 2.X and related technology stack development.

The front desk mall system includes home page portal, product classification, new product launch, home page rotation, product recommendation, product search, product display, shopping cart, order settlement, order process, personal order management, member center, help center and other modules.

Background management system includes data panel, broadcast map management, commodity management, order management, member management, classification management, setting and other modules

Take a look at the system screenshots:

First is the new bee mall page display, respectively:

  • Mall Home page 1

  • Mall Home page 2

  • Commodity search

  • The shopping cart

  • Order and settlement

  • The payment page

The following pictures are the renderings of the page in the backstage management system of the mall:

  • The login page
  • Caroute chart management
  • New product launch
  • Classification management
  • Commodity management

  • Commodities editor

  • The order management

(Background system is pretty much the same, I won’t put a lot of pictures)

Project Address:


On the whole

Newbee-mall is very friendly to new developers. It takes only 2 seconds to launch a complete mall project without complicated operation steps. Newbee-mall is also an enterprise-level Spring Boot large-scale project that is a great choice for Java developers at all stages; You can regard it as a comprehensive practice project of Spring Boot technology stack. Newbee-mall is enough to meet the requirements, and it has open source code, complete functions, complete processes and beautiful page interaction. The technology stack is novel and rich in knowledge points. After learning it, you can improve your understanding and mastery of knowledge and further enhance your market competitiveness. For some Java developers who are looking for work, you can add this project to your resume to add to your resume. You can star it