1. JCSprout (Java Core Repository)

  • Github address: github.com/crossoverJi…
  • star: 12k
  • Introduction: The embryonic Java core knowledge base.

2. Java-guide

  • Github address: github.com/Snailclimb/…
  • Star: 3.1 k
  • Introduction: a cover most Java programmers need to master the core knowledge, is gradually improved step by step, looking forward to your participation.

3. Java-design-patterns (Design patterns implemented using Java)

  • Github.com/iluwatar/ja…
  • star: 38k
  • Introduction: Design patterns are formalized best practices that programmers can use to solve common problems when designing applications or systems. Design patterns can speed up the development process by providing proven, proven development paradigms. Reusing design patterns helps prevent subtle problems that can cause major problems, and it also improves code readability for coders and architects familiar with the patterns.

4. AndroidAutoSize (Toutiao Screen adaptation solution ultimate version)

  • Github address: github.com/JessYanCodi…
  • Star: 1.8 k
  • Toutiao screen adaptation solution ultimate version, a very low cost Android screen adaptation solution.

5. Sentinel (Traffic Management Framework for High Availability Protection)

  • Github address: github.com/alibaba/Sen…
  • Star: 1.8 k
  • Introduction: As distributed systems become more popular, stability between services becomes more important than ever. Sentinel uses “process” as a breakthrough point and works in multiple areas, including flow control, concurrency, circuit breakers and load protection to protect service stability.

6. Spring-boot (Lightweight configuration of Spring)

  • Github address: github.com/spring-proj…

  • star: 28k

  • Introduction: While Spring’s component code is lightweight, its configuration is heavyweight (requiring a lot of XML configuration), but Spring Boot has made that a thing of the past. In addition, Spring Cloud is also built based on Spring Boot, which is very necessary for me to learn.

    Spring Boot

    Spring Boot makes it easy to create standalone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can “just run”… Most Spring Boot applications need very little Spring configuration. Spring Boot makes it easy to create standalone production-grade Spring-based applications by using “Just Run “(which could be run ‘Application’ or Java-JAR or Tomcat or Maven plug-in run or shell script) can run the project. Most Spring Boot projects require minimal configuration.)

7. Weixin-java-tools (all-powerful wechat Java development Kit)

  • Github address: github.com/Wechat-Grou…
  • Star: 9.5 k
  • Introduction: All-round wechat Java development kit, support including wechat payment, open platform, small program, enterprise number and public number development.

8. Guava (Google open Source Core Tool Class library)

  • Github address: github.com/Wechat-Grou…
  • star: 26k
  • Guava is a set of core libraries, including new collection types (such as multimap and multiset), immutable collections, graphics libraries, function types, memory caches and for concurrency, I/O, hashing, API/utilities, reflection, string manipulation and more!

9. Incubator – Dubbo (Ali Open Source High-performance RPC framework)

  • Github address: github.com/apache/incu…
  • star: 21k
  • Ali open Source is a high-performance open source RPC framework based on Java.

10. Incubator – Dubbo (Software Engineering Technical Interview Personal Guide)

  • Github address: github.com/kdn251/inte…
  • star: 21k
  • Introduction: Personal guide to Software Engineering Technical Interview. This project has joined the “gold digging Translation project”, there is a Chinese version!

If you are in full bloom, breeze. Welcome to follow my wechat official account: “Java Interview Clearance Manual”, a wechat official account with temperature. Public account has a lot of information, reply keyword “1” you may see what you want oh!