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Hello, everyone. I’m Xiao Fu

Pigeon has not published for a long time, do not write the life of the article is really good comfortable, every day do not worry about what to write, do not worry about the point of poor reading, not so late, set aside more time to accompany the family.

However, after the cozy is the extreme anxiety, watching the circle of these strange friends day and night more literary, better than you work harder than you, this in itself is a very stressful thing.

Always find an excuse for yourself, ah ~, busy work which time to get, but the more so self-comfort more no time to do, working people which large chunks of time to let you do these, really love a thing is to devote all your heart, time squeezed there will always be some, your persistence!

Although I walk slowly, but I always on the road ~

Before sharing a “10 hands to liberate the IDEA plug-in, less injustice code” response is good, here to introduce 10 I am using the IDEA plug-in is quite handy, absolutely practical not flowery.


AIXCODER is a domestic code development tool, provides a more powerful code completion, prediction function, its purpose is to let us less code, can automatically generate not handwritten, feel it will fall in love with it.

In actual development, I used it in combination with Postfix Completion and AIXCoder configuration of IDEA. IDEA itself already provided many shortcuts for quick completion, but I found that many people in the group did not actually use it.

You can also define the block of code generated by the shortcut.

AIXCoder supports similar code search function, if an API does not work, directly select the right click to search the whole web practical cases.

Java Stream Debugger

Java8 Stream API greatly simplifies the amount of code, but there are always strange bugs in the process of use and can not be debugged.

The Java Stream Debugger supports debugging of the Stream API, so you can clearly see the change process of each step of the operation data.


Easy_javadoc is a plugin that allows you to quickly annotate Java classes, methods, and properties. It also supports custom annotation styles. The IDEA itself has Live Templates support as well, but it’s a bit cumbersome and not very efficient.

When you annotate a class, method, or property, you not only generate the annotation, but you also translate the corresponding variable, class, or method into the Chinese name, depending on your naming skills.

Shortcut key: CRTL + \

If you feel that it is too inefficient to add comments a little bit, you can also try adding comments in batches.

Shortcut keys: CRTL + shift + \

If your existing comment style doesn’t work for you, you can customize your comment template.

Easy Code

Easy Code is often used by me when writing blog case demo. It can quickly map database tables into entity, controller, service, DAO, Mapper and other files in Java, and achieve rapid development with a small amount of coding.

First use database to connect to the database, in the corresponding table directly right click to execute EasyCode can generate the corresponding Java code, really convenient.


A set of tools to assist developing RESTful services. Maintainingprojects often involves finding the classes that correspond to a request. A global search is usually performed using Ctrl + Shift + F, but if the project has too many files, this lookup method is inefficient.

RESTful Toolkit manages all the request links in a project and can be quickly found.

Shortcut keys: Ctrl + Alt + N

You can copy the full path of the current request and the parameters in JSON format, which is very practical in development testing.

To the right of IDEA, there is a column of RESTServices, which contains HTTP requests for the entire project, and JSON data of input and output parameters for each request, which can be used to simulate simple requests.

Key promoter X

Key Promoter X is a shortcut prompt plugin of IDEA, which is a function I like very much. It allows me to quickly remember many shortcut keys of operations. When you click on a feature that has a shortcut key, it will prompt you for a shortcut to the current action.

String Manipulation

String Manipulation is a more practical String conversion tool, such as our usual variable naming can be converted to hump format, but also supports a variety of String plus, decryption (MD5, Base64, etc.) operation.

Shortcut:alt + m


Translation A convenient Translation plug-in, such as selected code, console error message can be translated directly.

Git Auto Pull

When the team is working on a multi-person project, because of the frequent code submissions, I must pull before committing the local code, otherwise code conflicts will result in a merge record.

The Gitautopull plugin helps us pull before push, avoiding unnecessary code conflicts.


When we commit code to GitHub, we can create a.gitignore file to ignore some of the files that we don’t want to commit with.

You can also add specified files to.gitignore, and the ignored files will be grayed out.

The above is the 10 more practical IDEA to share the plug-in, to improve the development efficiency or have some help.

Warm prompt: although the plug-in is good, but also do not greed to install, install more really will card, card, card!

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