Summarizes some true words that will be helpful for doing an open source project well. This paper will review the project from the project background, project development process, project planning, technology stack summary, and talk about how to maintain the vitality of open source project, how to choose the direction of optimization, and who will open source project help?

Project introduction

Open source project Newbee-Mall project is a set of e-commerce system, including Newbee-Mall system and Newbee-mall-Admin mall background management system, based on Spring Boot 2.X and related technology stack development. The front desk mall system includes home page portal, product classification, new product launch, home page rotation, product recommendation, product search, product display, shopping cart, order settlement, order process, personal order management, member center, help center and other modules. Background management system includes data panel, broadcast map management, commodity management, order management, member management, classification management, setting and other modules.

It was officially open source in October 2019. Later, when the project was improved, Vue technology stack was added to transform it into a separate version of front and back end. After the release version of Vue3 was released, Vue3 was used for reconstruction.

Warehouse address:


At present, the total number of Star in several warehouses of newbee-Mall series open source projects is about 9K, as shown in the figure below.

Of course, it is not a very good data, but it is the project that has attracted the most attention since I started the open source project. I have also done some open source projects before, which are basically like 1K and 2K Star.

Open source history and project planning

Writing open source projects on GitHub, something I’ve been doing for 5 years:

From the first SSM-Demo open source project in 2017 to the newBee-Mall series project, I did not expect to be able to stick to it all the time.

As for why I wrote this mall project? You do open source project should be able to see through my past, start to do the most is the foundation of the demo, behind is to do a few small projects, after also wrote open source blogging projects, from small projects to large projects, it is a gradual process, in the three years slowly transition, from scratch, from small to big, so finally have a series of projects, Started to develop and maintain the open source project of newbee-Mall series in 2019. As for why I chose to go shopping mall, I mainly communicated with everyone in several communication groups. It seems that everyone is more interested in shopping mall projects, so I decided to develop it.

This project is really in the development plan in 2018, but I have no idea what to do, what function, page and how to write, on the one hand, because this kind of project is more trouble, after all, not to write a student management system, on the other hand is a little busy work, also haven’t got the time to do, so has been put off until the second half of 2019. Since I wrote my blog online and opened several small projects on GitHub, many friends would choose to communicate with me or ask me some questions. Most of them are students or friends with 1-3 years of experience. Through communication with them, I have changed my writing projects and thinking about questions. The few projects I’m working on so far are more about the basics: don’t be too cumbersome, run smoothly, and don’t run out of code.

Back to the project itself, through the above points, I believe you can also see that I want to write a can let most people, even beginners or college students, can run the open source mall project.

So, the new bee mall is open source.

In the following two years, the NewBee-Mall series of warehouses were constantly optimized: the development of the front and back end separated version, the development of the upgraded version of Newbee-Mall plus, and the addition of Vue3 technology stack.

In May 2020, the Vue version of new Bee Mall was open source.

In November 2020, the Vue3 version of the new Bee Mall was open source.

In January 2021, the newBee-Mall-Plus version will start development, and it plans to add three features: the second kill function, coupons, and alipay connection.

At the end of March 2021, Newbee-mall-Admin will start development to rebuild the backend management system using Vue3 + Element Plus.

Programmers are so cute, how can there be bad intentions?

It is not easy to do open source projects. First of all, it takes a lot of time, and second, it takes a lot of energy, both physically and mentally.

On top of that, programming for technical people is not for bosses or product managers anymore, but for technical people, as the audience grows louder and louder. There are many voices, some of them are good, which is to encourage the author, but there are also some bad ones, which is to question the author.

Because of this project, I gained a lot of friends and received encouragement and thanks. Some people would say thank Shisan Brother, some people would say that this project helped him learn a lot of practical knowledge, some people said that because of the development experience of this project, he found a job and completed the course homework and so on. I also received some bad comments and doubts, some words I did not see, and some people I did not have time to talk to, online quarrel is a very boring thing, first of all, it is not necessary to win the quarrel master, secondly, even if you win, what can you do? And some comments although strange, but also not to quarrel with others, continue to do their own things, was so busy, which have time to quarrel.

Also, because of this open source project, a lot of funny things have happened, and I’ve written about them before.

A common example, not just in my open source project but in other open source projects, is this comment:

You write projects like this what’s the use of open source projects?

Of course, I’ve embellished the above question, and there are a lot of things I can’t write in an article. I usually reply to people who are weird:

The needs of developers at different stages are different. You think this is a simple project, so you raise these questions. However, many people have been urging me to continue to update, because you are at different stages, and many of you need some “less complicated” basic projects to practice. Newbee-mall series of several open source repositories are like this, the code is free and open source, people who need to directly practice and master some practical skills, practical and free are very important. I’m just trying to improve a project, that’s all. Open source projects need publicity and attention, and without a little bit of data, the project’s author will soon give up maintenance. These are very real problems. Also, do a psychological sunshine person, do not always move some crooked idea.

Technology stack summary and project development process

At the beginning, Newbee-Mall was just a project for back-end developers to learn, and the technology stack was also back-end. Later, it was added to Vue, Vant and other front-end technology stacks, so it was a good training project for both front-end and back-end developers. Currently, the technology stack used is as follows:

  • spring-projects
  • thymeleaf
  • mybatis
  • ColorlibHQ
  • tonytomov
  • t4t5
  • skytotwo
  • EasyCaptcha
  • wangeditor-team
  • Vue
  • Vue-Router
  • Vuex
  • Vant

There are both front-end and back-end technologies, mainly the technology stacks commonly used in current enterprise development. In the future, other technology stacks will be integrated into the project, such as Redis, Elastic Search, React and so on.

Some of the content is my own thinking, but more is to listen to users’ opinions, integrate their suggestions and my own ideas, and then make a modification that satisfies the author and the users, so that the project can go on more healthily.

It’s not a corporate project, but you need to take it very seriously. Open source projects also need detailed design and planning, including what functions to add and what technology stack to use. Then, I will spend time to test and review, and timely adjust if there is any problem. Of course, every time I have new ideas, I will inform everyone in the group or organize an article to share, and then adjust according to your suggestions.

Buddha said, “Ferry others and yourself.”

“Buddhist scripture” : “the bodhisattva is inspired to cross the bitter sea of life and death and ferry people again.

I am not a Believer in Buddhism, but I saw this passage and felt it was appropriate to use it here.

Indeed, I have been touched by the many people who have been helped and inspired by the NewBee-Mall open source projects and have received many messages of thanks. As the author, I did not expect this project to be so popular, because I have done several open source projects before, the maximum is about 1K Star, so I am very excited to this day.

When I calm down, I will wander into some questions: Who am I? Where am I from? Where am I going?

Sometimes people will become very frustrated and confused. Because of things in life or work, they suddenly become upset. Sometimes they even don’t know where the future lies and the meaning of life is.

PS: Occasionally, I have crazy thoughts, but most of the time it’s perfectly normal.

Because of this project, let me think I can help to others, this is a very, very different feeling, also had the similar experience before, such as to sit at the same table on the topic, friends points, to a colleague to solve the bug, help family members share the pressure, these will let oneself think oneself is a person can be rely on, can feel the meaning of life. But as the project became known to more and more people, the meaning changed, I was no longer helping one person, two people, but a group, and this was really a new version of the boat.

Work or life, because this project had some changes, take some time every day to learn, to communicate with more people, making progress every day, every day is very busy, no time to entertain foolish ideas, one of the biggest changes little, is because of this open source project and book publishing entity this matter, have time I will write down the experience behind.

Conclusion thinking

The above is my summary and review of the open source project Newbee-Mall. Of course, there is more to be added, but due to the space (3700+ words already), I will share more later.

If you have any questions, please leave a message to me and we can discuss together.

I would like to recommend the open source project I recently maintained:

Spring Boot Open source e-commerce project (including mall terminal and background management system) :…

Spring Boot + Vue3 Front and back end separation mall project:…

Interested friends can pay attention to it.

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