In practice, steps are often not a straight line and need to be bifurcated at some nodes, but this is not supported by existing UI components, such as ElementUI and antV, which provide steps that support only one straight line


element UI

Actual desired effect

So spent a day to write a support forking display step bar, the code is as follows:

Parameters of the steps

Const steps = [{id: 0, title: 'step 1', icon: 'icon-1'}, {id: 1, title:' step 2', icon: 'icon-2'}, {id: 1, title: 'step 2', icon: 'icon-2'}, {id: 1 2, the title: 'three steps' icon:' icon - 3}, {id: 3, the title: 'step 4' icon: 'icon - 4}, {id: 4, the title:' step 5 'icon:' icon - 5 '}]Copy the code

The currentStep parameter represents the actual progress of the step

currentStep: 3

The current parameter indicates the progress of the step

current: 1

The fork display needs to be manually configured

Const steps = [{id: 0, title: 'step 1', icon: 'icon-1', childSteps: [{id: 10, parentId: 0, title:' step 2 ', icon: 'icon-1', }] }]Copy the code
<template> <div> <div class="wrap"> <div class="svg-wrap"><svg></svg></div> </div> </div> </template> <script> import * as d3 from 'd3' export default { name: 'Progress', data () { return { height: 150, width: 0, svg: {}, innerWrap: {}, outterWrap: {}, innerSvg: {}, outterSvg: {} } }, mounted () { this.steps.forEach((item, index) => { item.index = index }) this.width = Number('.svg-wrap').style('width').replace(/px/g, '')) this.svg ='.svg-wrap svg') .attr('width', this.width) .attr('height', this.height) .append('g') .attr('transform', `translate(${-(this.width + 300)}, 0)`) this.innerWrap = this.svg.append('g') this.outterWrap = this.svg.append('g') this.render() this.addResize() }, methods: { addResize () { window.onresize = () => { this.$nextTick(() => { this.width = Number('.svg-wrap').style('width').replace(/px/g, '')) this.svg.attr('width', this.width).attr('height', this.height) this.updateSvg() }) } }, render () { this.outterSvg = this.setData({ svg: this.outterWrap, data: this.outterSteps }) this.innerSvg = this.setData({ svg: this.innerWrap, data: this.innerSteps }) this.updateSvg() }, setData (params = {}) { return params.svg .selectAll('g') .data( .enter() .append('g') .attr('transform', '') .on('click', (e, d) => { if (d.selected) { this.$emit('change', } if (d.index <= this.currentStep && ! d.parentId) { this.$emit('change', d.index) } }) }, updateSvg (params = {}) { this.renderStep({ svg: this.innerSvg, data: this.innerSteps }) this.renderStep({ svg: this.outterSvg, data: this.outterSteps }) this.svg.transition() .duration(1000) .delay(30) .attr('transform', `translate(0, 0)`) }, renderStep (params = {}) { params.svg.html('') params.svg.append('text') .text(function (d) { return d.title }) .attr('y', 55) .attr('x', 15) .attr('class', (d, i) => i === this.current ? 'selected' : '') params.svg.append('path') .attr('class', (d, i) => { let className = '' if (typeof d.parentId ! == 'undefined') { className = this.current === ? 'path finish' : 'path' } else { className = i < this.current ? 'path finish' : 'path' } return className }) .attr('d', (d, i) => { let pathStr = `M35 17 L${this.itemWidth - 3} 17 Z` if (typeof d.parentIndex ! Const his = -75 * I + 57 pathStr = 'M${-this.itemWidth + 32} ${his} L35 17 Z'} else {if (i === - 1) pathStr = '' } return pathStr }) params.svg.attr('class', (d, i) => { let className = 'progress-item ' if (typeof d.parentIndex ! == 'undefined') { className += d.selected ? 'finish ' : '' className += this.current === ? 'selected' : '' } else { className += i <= this.currentStep ? 'finish ' : '' className += d.selected ? 'finish ' : '' className += i === this.current ? 'selected' : '' } return className }) params.svg.append('circle') .attr('r', 19) .attr('cx', 16) .attr('cy', 15) params.svg.append('g').html((d) => `${d.svg}`).attr('class', 'icon') params.svg.transition() .attr('transform', (d, i) => { let num = i let his = 50 if (typeof d.parentId ! == 'undefined') { num = d.parentIndex his = 75 * i + 10 } return `translate(${num * (this.itemWidth) + 15}, ${his})` }) } }, destroyed () { window.onresize = null }, watch: { current () { this.updateSvg() }, currentStep () { this.updateSvg() } }, computed: { plus () { return (this.itemWidth - 35) / this.steps.length }, itemWidth () { return (this.width - 58) / (this.steps.length - 1) }, outterSteps () { const arr = this.steps.filter(item => ! item.child) return arr }, innerSteps () { let rst = [] this.steps.forEach((item, index) => { if (item.child) { rst = => { step.parentIndex = index return step }) } }) return rst } }, props: { current: { type: Number, default: 0 }, currentStep: { type: Number, default: 0 }, steps: { type: Array, default: () => { return [] } } } } </script> <style lang="less" scoped> .wrap { .svg-wrap { svg { overflow: visible; .progress-item { circle { fill: #fff; stroke: #aaa; stroke-width: 1px; } .path { fill: #aaa; stroke: #aaa; Stroke - width: 0.5 px; } .icon { svg path { fill: #aaa; } } text { fill: #aaa; text-anchor: middle; } &.finish { cursor: pointer; circle { fill: #fff; stroke: #08c; } .path.finish { fill: #08c; stroke: #08c; } .icon { svg path { fill: #08c; } } text { fill: #666; } } &.selected { circle { fill: #08c; stroke: #08cr; } .path.finish { fill: #08c; stroke: #08c; } .icon { svg path { fill: #fff; } } text { fill: #333; &.selected { font-weight: bold; } } } } } } } </style>Copy the code