ZooTeam Front-end Weekly | Issue 116

For more past issues, please visit: weekly.zoo.team

  1. [Issue 2169] An exploration of hema mid-background cross-end scheme

How much cross-end business is involved?

  1. How to build gray across end monitoring share video | D2 + articles

Monitoring, the first front of production safety, is the core ability to detect online problems and quickly locate problems.

  1. The exploration and landing of front-end safety production in ICBU

Front-end safety production

  1. Tencent document EP road – CI X automated testing – cloud + community – Tencent Cloud

Continuous integration emphasizes building and testing as soon as developers submit new code. Based on the test results, determine whether the new code and the original code are correctly integrated.

  1. Summary of bytedance chaos engineering practice

Chaos engineering helps the system to find weak points by means of fault injection to improve the stability of the system. With the development of micro-services and cloud native technologies, distributed systems have become popular throughout the industry, but they have also brought about a sharp increase in complexity and difficulty in failure

  1. Write high quality maintainable code: Awesome TypeScript

High quality maintainable code should be readable, structured, low coupling, easy to extend, and so on. Native JavaScript, due to its weak typing and lack of modularity, is not conducive to the development and maintenance of large applications, so TypeScript was born. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that is not designed to…

  1. How does design intelligently generated code identify components? – Imgcook 3.0 series

Imgcook’s ability to automatically generate code does two things: identify information from visual sketches, and then express that information into code. The essence is to extract JSON description information from the design draft through the design tool plug-in, process and transform THE JSON through intelligent restoration techniques such as rule system, computer vision and machine learning, and finally get a JSON that conforms to the code structure and code semantics…

  1. Intelligent front-end practice – P2C from the requirements document generated code share video | D2 + articles

Generating code from requirements documents? Let’s see what Uncle Wolf and Drowind have to say.

  1. Interesting diagrams of 30 programming domains

Programming is a fun job, and many interesting things happen to every programmer in his or her career. This article has collected some pictures related to programmers, hoping to bring you some relief and happiness for a while.

  1. Vue official Tutorial Notes – Yu Yu Creek handwritten Mini-Vue

This week I took a look at the mini version of Vue3 written by You daishen. Please correct my notes as follows.