Many books can be such as “Java Core Technology”, “Java from Beginner to Master”, “Java Concurrent Programming Practice”, “Java Programming Ideas” and so on

Look at it again when you’re done

The Java Programmer’s Way

The truth in the book is very simple, but it is wise for novices.

The book covers Java 7 new features and the key technology of Java development, the current large number of open source technology, multi-core processors, concurrent and challenges brought about by the massive amounts of data to the Java development made a penetrating analysis, provides the practice of deep insights, involving the dependency injection, modern concurrent, class and bytecode and excellent performance tuning underlying concepts of anatomy.

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Java Concurrent Programming

This book provides a straightforward introduction to Java threads and concurrency and is the perfect Java concurrency reference manual. Book, starting from the basic concept of concurrency and thread safety, introduces how to use the class library provides the basic building blocks, concurrently used to avoid concurrent risk, tectonic thread-safe classes and verify thread safety rules, how to small thread-safe classes combined into larger thread safety, how to use a thread to improve the throughput of concurrent applications.

Java advanced must see, the best book on multithreading.

Practical Java High Concurrency Programming

This book mainly introduces the Java based parallel programming foundation, ideas, methods and actual combat. First of all, based on the basis of concurrent programs, detailed introduction of Java parallel programming basic methods.

MySQL Technology Insider

From the point of view of source code in-depth analysis of InnoDB architecture, implementation principle, working mechanism, and gives a lot of best practices, can help you systematically and deeply grasp InnoDB, more importantly, it can design for you to manage high performance, high availability of database system to provide excellent guidance

Java should be one of the most popular development languages, most of the domestic company systems are developed with Java. To better learn Java, learn these classic books several times.

First, thinking in Java, second, Core Java, Effective Java, Java virtual machine, specific areas of Concurrent programming in Java, Netty authoritative guide, design patterns, refactoring, refactoring and patterns, Java multithreaded programming core technologies, Distributed service architecture, ZooKeeper, grinding design pattern, code, Spring practice, Servlet specification.