0. Personal information

My 19 years of ordinary 985 computer major undergraduate course graduation, girl, after graduation into the science and technology department of a bank head office to do IT development, entry time nearly two years. I prepared for three months (including several months of emMM algorithm) and finally got offers of front-end development from three big factories. Here I would like to share my experience with you and hope it can be helpful.

It is necessary to say, the technical level of oneself and school study result are not very good, especially technical respect, take an examination of test forget, because this technical foundation is general, I start from zero a little bit review, the front end is also after entry just contact study. The record here is also hope to encourage all my friends like me to find a job, come on together!

1. Reasons for leaving


  • I feel that there will be no great progress in technology, no room for growth, and the longer I stay, the more difficult it is to change jobs

  • Money is little, it is no motivation, after all, in the big Shanghai, to survive

  • I want to go to Dachang for experience, contact with the most advanced technology and learn from excellent people (mainly for this reason).


  • There is no technology belt in the front direction, so it is not deep enough to do anything. Moreover, in the case of tight business push, there is little time to settle, and the technical atmosphere is not enough.

  • In less than two years, I have changed three project teams, which is not stable.

    The downside here is that you do what the business needs you to do, not where you want to go. Changing project teams frequently, and not knowing what the next project team will do. I like the front end, but the work of the first project team has nothing to do with the front end at all. It is more like system operation and maintenance, which is busy and tiring.

2. Preparation process


Algorithm is the first time I began to review, but at the beginning did not think of the interview, is to find their own confidence. Really start from the sum of two numbers, a problem a problem do, because the university is weak, the final exam on more than 60 points, too a shame. So in order to increase their job-hopping confidence and confidence, decisively from the algorithm to open the road of self-abuse, the taste of cool crooked, who do who know. During two or three months, I have brushed more than 200 questions at work, reviewed them after work, and brushed them at home on weekends. However, the top 100 questions of LeetCode and the top 50 questions of sword finger Offer should be almost enough for the front-end interview. It is not too difficult to ask.

The front-end based

The focused review lasted about three months, November and December 2020 and January this year.

Review before

See all kinds of face classics on the net, front end job-hopping experience and knowledge point experience summary, knowledge point has a general understanding, and then found a feel more complete review outline began to contrast review.

In the review

  1. Follow the outline through all the points – understand the points

At the beginning, it was very slow, really slow, because learning while taking notes, the speed is very slow, and then I realized that this link can be faster. Personally, this part is more psychological test, is not deep impression at the beginning of the situation, always forget, very test patience. But the more I read it, the better I remember it.

  1. Follow the knowledge point that face classics tests oneself — remember firm knowledge point

This part is mainly to check the gaps, on the one hand, the knowledge points that have been reviewed can be more firm, on the one hand, you can also contact some of their knowledge points that have not been reviewed, to expand their knowledge. In short, this process needs to be repeated and not paused, otherwise it is easy to forget.

Here suggestions can see nuggets of quality articles, pay attention to excellent authors, more can stimulate their enthusiasm for learning.

Interview experience

The CV

Review about the time, in fact, you can deliver resume, but they are not confident enough, feel the need to continue to review, did not immediately deliver resume at the beginning. But after the stimulation of colleagues job-hopping, feel that they can no longer be slow, on all kinds of internal push code to push a wave of resume to their own, large factories in the factory have, and then began to interview.

As a matter of fact, my resume has basically passed all the major factories and all the major factories. It seems that the resume is not very difficult at present, and IT may be a bonus point for academic degree. However, I think the matching of project experience is more important, so I still need to do more projects matching the target position.

My project experience at work is basically related to the front-end, so the degree of matching is relatively high. The writing of the resume basically refers to the writing essentials of the technical resume on the Internet:

  • Some of my most memorable project experiences
  • Each project is written in accordance with STAR principles
  • Use statistics to show your workload
  • .

In short, it is to reflect their own shining point. Of course, my resume is less than two years of experience, only one page, other cases may have a different part of the resume, you can search online.


I’d like to focus on my interview mentality.

Our school has never applied for Internet companies before, and most of them are sent to the science and technology department of banks. So now we are interviewing Internet companies, or social recruitment, I am very worried and nervous. Nervous to what extent, nervous to the first interview, almost did not fall asleep all night, has been thinking about what they can not do, they can not answer the question can be too embarrassed and so on, has been putting psychological pressure on themselves, it is estimated that they did not review in place.

But in fact, there will never be an interview review in place that day, in fact, here also remind everyone, when feel the review about the time, has reviewed 90% of the knowledge point, also can take the step of the interview, and in the gap between each interview, but also can be timely review.

As you experience more and more interviews, the subsequent interview will not be so afraid, and the interviewer will not be completely negative to you because you did not answer a knowledge point, do not worry too much.

Specific Experience (to be added later)

Years ago, I interviewed a small foreign company, to increase my interview experience, the following interview is basically in the factory and large factory. After the interview experience, I will give a detailed interview, which will not be repeated here.

4. Summarize yourself

I think I’m lucky. After all, she moved from the bank’s science and technology department to an Internet giant, which I could not have dreamed of a few months ago.

I think the following points are important:

  • Set goals, make plans and stick to them

I think if you think clearly about your goals and do them bravely, you are more likely to achieve your predetermined goals.

I also struggled with job-hopping to the Internet, but considering the future development and their own needs, I still set the goal of job-hopping.

I was more like, if I don’t take this step, there’s no chance, and I’m definitely going to regret that I’m not brave enough, so I did it.

  • Stay positive and confident and don’t deny yourself

Before I began to prepare, I also doubted whether I could do it. I was not familiar with the algorithm, and I was a rookie in the front end. When I wrote codes, I was also a business code. If you deny yourself at this time, it is absolutely impossible to achieve expectations.

We must believe in ourselves and keep an optimistic attitude. Even if the interview has not passed (sometimes fate), it is also our precious experience. On this basis, we can continue to check the gaps and make up for some improvements. If it passes, of course it’s great!

Believe I can succeed, you can also, come on!

(Original article, reproduced please indicate the source, thank you ~)