The most popular project of the week is How to Cook, an open source project recommended last week, which gained 18K + star in a week, but users have mixed opinions about its quantitative cooking methods. In my opinion, cooking is a “metaphysical science”, and everyone has his or her own taste, just like aesthetics. This week’s tweet, Anime Girl-holding-Programming Books, exemplify the beauty of Girls who code for programmers of all kinds.

The following is an excerpt from GitHub Trending and Hacker News hot post (HN Hot post for short) on weibo @helloGithub. Newly released | | practical and interesting, according to the project classification, the release time release time not more than 14 project will mark the New day, without the mark shows the project release more than half. Due to the limited space in this paper, there are some projects not shown in this paper, please refer to 🌝

  • This article directory
    • News read fast
        1. ·GitHub supports pre-built projects with Codespace
      1. This week, pushing
      • 1.1 Program Girls: Anime-Girls-Holding-Programming-Books
      • 1.2 Azure high availability guide: AlwaysOn0
      1. Making Trending Zhou Bang
      • 2.1 Operating system written by Rust: Blog_OS
      • 2.2 Instant neural graphics primitive: instant-NGP
      • 2.3 Python data science handbook: PythonDataScienceHandbook
      • 2.4 Design collaboration platform: Penpot
      • 2.5 Table Upgrade: GRIST – Core
      1. Review past

News quick reference

1. Products ·GitHub supports pre-built projects with Codespace

In its latest product, Changelog, GitHub has announced that the GitHub project now supports pre-building code directly in the browser using Codespace. After selecting the relevant machine configuration, it can quickly pull up a cloud version of VSCode with the runtime environment. This feature is currently in beta and will appear in the project’s [Code] drop-down list.

1. Tweet this week

1.1 Program Girls: Anime-Girls-Holding-Programming-Books

Anime-girls-holding-programming-books is an interesting project, as we all had a “girl” to supervise our study when we were students, and this project continues our “youth”, as each Programming language has its own two-dimensional girl. 🤔 they take programming books to tell you, learn programming well 🙂

Making address –…

1.2 Azure High Availability Guide: AlwaysOn

Star growth this week: 150+

New AlwaysOn provides a design approach and methodology for building highly reliable cloud-native applications for mission-critical workloads on Microsoft Azure. In a nutshell, this project documents the elements required for an always-on project on Azure:

  1. Architecture guide;
  2. Full function reference implementation;

Making address –…

2. GitHub Trending Weekly

2.1 Operating system written by Rust: Blog_OS

Star growth this week: 800+

Blog_os is a collection of blogs that teach you how to write a small operating system in Rust. Each article is a small tutorial that includes all the code you can follow to build an operating system.

Making address –…

2.2 Instant neural map primitive: instant-NGP

Star gains this week: 1,050+

Instant-ngp is an open-source, real-time neurographic primitive from Nvidia’s NVlabs that can build a NeRF model of a fox in 5 seconds and quickly build a 3D image based on the image.

Making address –…

2.3 Python data science handbook: PythonDataScienceHandbook

Star growth this week: 1,000+

PythonDataScienceHandbook is a Python data science handbook, it introduced the Python core libraries needed for processing data, such as: IPython, NumPy, etc.

Making address –…

2.4 Design collaboration platform: Penpot

Star growth this week: 1,550+

Penpot is the first open source design and prototyping platform for teams across disciplines. Independent of the operating system, Penpot is web-based, using the Open Web Standard (SVG), and you can use Penpot to collaborate with designers, PD people, and designs uploaded to Penpot by others.

Making address –…

2.5 Table Upgrade: GRIST – Core

Star growth this week: 350+

Grist is a modern relationship spreadsheet. It combines the flexibility of a spreadsheet with the robustness of a database. A column can be a table that holds a certain kind of data. Like traditional Excel, it can fill the contents of cells with formulas.

Making address –…

3. Look back

Past review:

  • Key to 3D World “GitHub Hotspots v.22.08”
  • Valentine’s Day for Programmers: GitHub Hotspots v.22.07

This is GitHub Trending for the 9th working week of 2022 🎉 If you Pick up other fun and useful GitHub projects, remember to share them with us in the HelloGitHub Issue section at 🌝