You thought SEO was dead, but he’s still alive. SEO is not out of date, because we can’t stick to it, so we gave up SEO, not SEO gave up us. Now let’s talk about the optimization method.

Feeding station experience sharing

Keep a good website is simple and complex things, simple everyone will do, SEO basic optimization knowledge we all know. To say complex means we don’t insist.

A 20 years old domain name, not a continuous station for 2 years of domain name, do not give the so-called old domain name optimization to mislead, the old domain name here refers to the site has been updated in the construction of the domain name, so we do not blindly to buy the domain name, to buy to buy the site to continue to build, the site in the update of the domain name. Such websites have generally passed the Baidu sandbox period, get the site can add original content, almost every other day included.

Whether the new domain name or the old domain name, be sure to ensure that the website update, can be updated every two days. You can also update an article every 3 days. The best site to set up a scheduled task, batch add content into, content automatic audit.

Many site-building programs have the function of randomly calling articles. We deploy this module on the home page, list page and content page. Because it can automatically update your website, every time the spider will show different content to the spider, that this website is in the update, the spider is also more like.

Website content is best original, content must be optimized long long tail keywords, a long long tail keywords 1 day only have 1 search flow, 10 days have 10, 100 days have 100, and so on. If you write 10, 000 long, long tail keywords, 10, 000 IP is not a problem.

Collection of problems, the new website has a sandbox period, this period I think we should not be irritable, ridicule. Because almost everyone is like this, you fret fret is useless, should eat should drink. If you are a continuous site, almost is slow collection, this is also very normal, then increase the number of content.

The basic construction of the site three labels, content filling, dead links, layout and so on these can be said to be the foundation, I will not say, are some basic tutorials, we can search for learning, I only share a few dry goods, practical things.

The standard that raises good station is Baidu collects next day or second close and so on. As for 360, Sogou, what these search engines do not have a year and a half, two or three years of you do not want to, they will only include the home page, compared to Baidu about 45-60 days of sandbox period has been too good.

The above is the experience of the station to share, I share the following good station after how to obtain flow.

The station raised, the content reached the next day included, it can obtain flow. At this time we have to pay attention to the large flow, are generally real-time hot search, the recent fire is “new coronavirus” “street economy” “M country” “Trump” these are large flow of keywords. What we have to do is to get these long long keywords, do not optimize the subject, subject you are to get but now of the major portal sites, so I want to write long long tail keywords article.

For example:

The word “COVID-19” can be used to describe the epidemic situation in XXX country, who talked about the epidemic situation, and how to prevent the epidemic in XXX region. How many countries are there in the world? To imagine

“Stall economy” can write shenzhen can place stall over there? Where can you set up stall in Longgang? Where can luo Hu set up stalls? Where can XXX set up stalls? How many cities, how many counties, how many towns, you can imagine.

Country M follows the same pattern. How does XXX fly to country M and country M return to China? The introduction of each continent in M and each small place name in M is just like the introduction of Shenzhen in encyclopedia.

“Trump” is easier. Who is Trump’s wife? Trump’s son, trump’s daughter, Trump’s grandson, where they live, where they go, who they like, what Trump is worth, what he looks like, etc.

Above I emphasize again and again, we are optimizing long long tail keywords, not long tail keywords, because a long long long to the major sites to occupy, so we want to avoid it.

In the focus of the following, the station did not keep good, is also useless, so must put the website keep good, in order to obtain these traffic, the method of the station I summarize is to adhere to, adhere to, adhere to update the content.

Talk about quick platoon.

A lot of people say that the search is now occupied by fast platoon, otherwise, fast platoon is not omnivorous, in order to do a good job of fast platoon, first of all, you have to have a good website, a basic website. You give a new station to the express queue company, although they say they can do it, in fact they are playing against you. I bet you 45 or 60 days, you can go, you can’t go, you don’t lose anything, if you go, you get a client, that’s it. So we do ours without too much worry.

Quick row will not do long long tail keywords, because quick row is on the home page charge, assuming 6 yuan/day/word. If they do long long tail keywords a day only 1 click, then a click is equal to 6 yuan, it is better to do bidding.

At present, fast platoon technology fire, that SEO is still alive, or there is demand.

Some people say that BEFORE SEO can get a lot of free enterprise product traffic, now can not. I want to say, it’s not that I can’t do it now, it’s that I found skills for you before and let you go up, but now the skills have changed. Before the Internet information is less, as long as you submit information included to the ranking, now there is more information, need to screen to the ranking.

Before a boss part-time do SEO, or network management part-time, now is a special talent to do SEO, specialized network companies in the study, how to do part-time compared with full-time people, part-time people are still in distress ranking position, network companies have been studying how to screen.

So SEO is not dead, is the method has changed, we can not keep up with the individual, so we need to go out to communicate with peers, learning.

Author: Ann Xiaoyao SEO

Source: Lu Songsong blog, welcome to share