On February 27, 2018, Google released the first Beta version of Flutter at Mobile World Congress 2018. Flutter is Google’s new mobile UI framework to help developers develop high quality native apps on both iOS and Android.

Look at the salient advantages of Flutter:

  • Hot Reload. As a new Android developer, it’s really nice to be able to Reload it. You can save and Reload it with a CTRL + S in Android Studio, and the emulator will see it immediately.
  • Everything is the idea of a Widget. For Flutter, everything in the mobile app is a Widget, enabling an appealing and flexible interface design with a combinable collection of Spaces, a rich animation library, and a layered extension architecture.
  • High quality user experience across platforms with a portable GPU-accelerated rendering engine and high performance native code runtime. While I have no idea what a portable GPU-accelerated rendering engine is, the end result is that applications built with Flutter will run almost as efficiently as native applications.

The official project of Flutter has 30782 stars and over 3400 issues as of the current time. Generally, the more issues an open source project has, the more people will participate in it. Because only use, can discover the problem, can feedback the problem. You can see how enthusiastic developers are.

Today, WE recommend a project to let everyone feel the charm and efficiency of Flutter.

Here is an open source Chinese client based on Flutter for Android and iOS.

Realize the function

  • Login (using the OSC account)
  • View information (not logged in to view)
  • View, reply, post, comment (login required)
  • Mobile small black room (login required)
  • The “discovery” part of the function is basically implemented with H5
  • Information list, active list, comment list support drop down refresh or page loading
  • Image preview in motion is not implemented yet
  • Shake, “my” page function is temporarily not complete
  • The topic switching function is not implemented

Project screenshots



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