How long does it take you to make a powerpoint presentation?

Some people take hours to make a powerpoint presentation, others take less than 30 minutes. Why is there such a big difference in the hands of different people when making PPT? Because smart people use tools to get more done with less, while stupid people just keep their heads down and look at the sky.

Speaking of tools, as a PPT driver who has been driving for 5 years, today I recommend 4 magic tools for you, which can make your PPT efficiency improved several times.

1, PPT beautification master

Many friends feel that they do PPT hot eyes, and do not know how to improve the beauty. In fact, as long as you install a “PPT beautification master” on the broad! PPT beautification master provides a wealth of online materials, including professional templates, beautiful illustrations, creative albums, practical shapes, support a new key, a key beautification and other functions, can help you quickly make a tall PPT.

2. PA pocket animation

Want to add special effects animation to PPT, but don’t know how to operate? In fact, PPT animation is not complicated, as long as you install a “PA pocket animation” plug-in, all kinds of cool animation generated in one click, efficient and simple, without complex Settings.

3, iconfont

Alibaba provides a free icon library, all kinds of beautiful ICONS for free, thanks to Jack Ma dad.

4. Office resource network

PPT template types are particularly complete, almost you want to find the type, whether it is a summary of work, corporate publicity, business plans or holidays, personal resume… You can find it all up there. There are also beautiful PPT charts to download.

In addition, office resources also provides free Excel templates and audio resources to download, is also very conscience!

The template page provides a preview effect to avoid wasting your time downloading inappropriate templates, is also very thoughtful!

These are the tools I often use to do PPT. Finally, I wish you to do more and more 6.