This is the 15th day of my participation in the August More text Challenge. For details, see: August More Text Challenge.

XXX is automatically signed, but code signing identity Apple Development Then through the investigation of the cause of the error to find the cause of the error, then this blog post to share the specific solution to the cause.

The error message is as follows:

HiVideoPlayerDemo has conflicting provisioning settings. HiVideoPlayerDemo is automatically signed, but code signing identity Apple Development: jiaang li (86PQ) has been manually specified. Set the code signing identity value to "iPhone Developer" in the build settings editor, or switch to manual signing in the project editor.

The code signing identity is Apple Development. The code signing identity is Apple Development.

In short, a conflict error message is displayed in the certificate Settings. You need to manually modify the certificate Settings. There are two methods for setting the certificate.

Method 1: Set the automatic certificate setting mode in Build Settings under TARGETS

1. Open the project, and then enter the project;

2. Select the project under project TARGETS and find the corresponding Build Settings module;

3. Enter signing in the Build Settings search box and then open the Code Signing Identity module.

4. Select the place where the certificate is manually configured and change it to the iOS Developer option, including the Code Signing Style set to Antomatic option below.

5. Once you have done this, go to the Generals module under TARGETS and find the Singing directory.

Method 2: Switch the manual certificate setting mode in the PROJECT editor

1. Open the PROJECT, select PROJECT, find the Build Settings module corresponding to the PROJECT, and enter code Signing style in the input box;

2. Open the code Signing module, set the code Signing style and change the “Automatic” to “Manual”.

Note: However, the steps to manually set the certificate is a bit cumbersome, generally rarely used, now the mainstream is the first method, the certificate automatic setting mode.

The above is all of this chapter, welcome to pay attention to three shopkeeper’s wechat public number “program ape by three shopkeeper”, three shopkeeper’s Sina Weibo “three shopkeeper 666”, welcome to pay attention!