There are many ways to track Java application performance, and this article is just a quick look at how XRebel can be used (for individual and microservice applications). There are many distributed tracking systems, such as Zipkin, etc. See Distributed Tracking System (I) : Background and design of Zipkin, but it is too heavy for small teams and development period.

And in zipkin’s case, just how long it takes service A to call service B doesn’t show detailed thread and stack information. We need to do this with other tools.


Download xrebel

The latest version is xRebel

Frameworks and scenarios supported by XRebel

Fast installation

Xrebel supports Both Eclipse and IDEA, and has an Eclipse plug-in, which is recommended to be installed separately.

  1. Download xRebel. Zip and extract it to your local, EQUitemap.D:\xrebel
  2. In Tomcat, idea, Eclipse, modify vm parameters, add-javaagent:[path/to/xrebel]/xrebel.jar

The following are IDEA and Eclipse

The default is to be able to try 14 days, it is suggested to support the legitimate version, after all, everyone is to eat this line of food. And the time you’ll save with XRebel JRebel JRebel for Android is worth the price. Jrebel has a free community plan

web ui

Open the web services page and xrebel will be injected directly into your page. The xrebel toolbar will appear in the lower left corner, (e.g. http://localhost:8080)

Or through the access services/xrebel (e.g., http://localhost:8080/xrebel) open a separate page, apply to the webservice, restful, etc. No page scene

If you don’t want to inject into the page, just want to through the service/xrebel access, you can add – Dxrebel. Injection = true | false, the default is true

See XRebel Launch Parameters for the remaining switch parameters

Xrebel is a simple tutorial to use

Refer to the Using XRebel

Micro service

See Microservices and XRebel 3.0: Introducing Microservices Profiling

Make sure that both the caller and the called have XRebel on,

Results the following

Enable XRebel debugging

See Debugging with XRebel Enabled

As an aside, the need for static resource separation

Why is it recommended to separate static files? This can be clearly seen with XRebel

Anjia. Ml / 2017/11/21 /…

Juejin. Im/post / 684490……