
React18 not far!

In a recent update to PR #21488, Brian Vaughn made changes to some of the React apis and internal flags. The most notable change is the addition of the createRoot API to the React interface… Mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=Mzk…

Vuex 5

It’s been a while since Vuex 4 was released, and a discussion about Vuex 5 RFC posted on GitHub by “Kia King Ishii”, a member of the Vue core team, can be found at github.com/vuejs/rfcs/…

RxJS 7 is released

Rxjs 7 has been released for some time now, and this library is my personal favorite. For those who don’t know, the following link introduces some new features of Rxjs 7: medium.com/volosoft/wh…

Chrome supports import JSON Module

Compared to before only introduced by means of the fetch JSON, now supports direct import, but again, the domestic it takes a while to www.chromestatus.com/feature/574…

Apple announced Safari 15 will be released in the fall

– HTML attribute Autocomplete =one-time-code (2FA), CSS aspect-ratio, lab(), LCH (), HWB () color Syntaxes, theme-color meta tag supoport, and in JavaScript top level await, ES6 Modules in Service Workers and Workers, Error.cause. There are a lot of privacy and security enhancements and improve developer.apple.com/documentati…

New ECMAScript proposal

The proposal includes Chain Errors, and this article answers what the proposal is? And why we need this proposal 2ality.com/2021/06/err…


Why are there no context-self and context-items properties in CSS3 Flex layout?

Why are there no context-self and context-items properties in CSS3 Flex layout? By linking the answer, we can understand the reason stackoverflow.com/questions/3…

A more elegant way to write complex JavaScript judgments

When we write JS code, we often encounter complex logic judgments. Usually you can use if/else or switch to implement multiple conditional judgments, but there is a problem with this. As the logic complexity increases, If /else/switch in code becomes more and more bloated juejin.cn/post/684490…

Embrace the JSX syntax of the Vue3 series

For the past year, the Vue team has been working on the next major release of Vue. Js, and just at the end of June, uVU updated the status of Vue 3 and its surrounding ecology juejin.cn/post/684668…

Vue Router 10 Advanced Techniques

This article is the author in the process of using the vue – the router to use, can see, it is very practical segmentfault.com/a/119000003…

Vue component data communication scheme summary

React, Vue, etc. This article introduces several communication solutions juejin.cn/post/684490…

Best practices for CSS styling after image loading failure

Img tags if because the network or unable to properly load, the cross domain constrains by default browser will display the default “split” image effect, Zhang Xinxu great spirit this article introduces how to solve this problem www.zhangxinxu.com/wordpress/2…

This paper introduces a new clipPath Sprites small icon technology

The current epidemic of SVG small icon technology is SVG Sprites www.zhangxinxu.com/wordpress/2…

Buried point automatic collection scheme

Buried point is one of our daily development process often encountered a scene, around the team in the process of practice some summary, a lot of dry goods juejin.cn/post/689339…

Practice of breakpoint debugging sharing and reuse for large front-end projects

As our project gets bigger and bigger, we may need to maintain many modules. Our Tencent Document Excel project has more than 10 large modules, and each large module has N small modules respectively. Each module of the small module have problems in follow up, head of the main module cloud.tencent.com/developer/a…


10 vscode plug-ins you probably haven’t used

We often use vscode plug-ins such as: Betterprogramming. Pub /10-fun-vs-c… BetterProgramming is a betterprogramming tool that you can use to create a Git Tag.


In JavaScript, we always suffer from precision problems when performing operations such as +, -, etc. This library can solve these problems well github.com/nefe/number…


This library helps us define and trigger shortcuts in web applications. The library itself is quite small github.com/madrobby/ke…


A lightweight validation library with many validation assertions abbreviated github.com/philipnilss…


An open source alternative to Postman, an online tool for debugging HTTP requests github.com/hoppscotch/…


A can drag the strange sound of website, the funny www.adultswim.com/etcetera/ch…


Click the button on the page and it randomly opens up an interesting website, Sharkle.com/

The world (just look at it)

An “automatic photo machine” has emerged in the United States, allowing you to choose your favorite sports stars to take photos


U.S. intelligence agencies on Friday released a long-awaited report on a series of mysterious flying objects seen moving through restricted military airspace over the past few decades.


Scientists discover new human species – ‘Draco Man’

Chinese researchers have found a could belong to a new species of ancient human skulls, the team claims that neanderthals and homo erectus in known ancient human species, it is the most close to our evolutionary relatives Specimens of the nickname “dragon people” represents the life of at least 146000 years ago in a human group in east Asia. It was discovered in 1933 in Harbin, northeast China, but only recently came to the attention of scientists. The analysis of the skull has been published in the journal Innovation


The problem

At the end of the weekly, there is a question for those who are interested

The picture below is a function. Is there a more elegant way to write this?