Recently, I need to develop a new project, so I upgraded the latest Mac OS and Xcode 9 as the project environment for development, but there is a problem when cocoaPods install, prompting RuntimeError – [Xcodeproj] Unknown object version.

Sudo gem update –system

Install the latest cocoaPods version sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoaPods –pre

Add taobao source :gem sources -a ( note: Taobao source is not maintained, replace the official Chinese source, note is HTTP, not HTTPS)

pod install


CocoaPods is written in Ruby and is divided into several Gem packages. The most important package paths are CocoaPods/CocoaPods, CocoaPods/Core, and CocoaPods/Xcodeproj.

CocoaPods / CocoaPod

This is the user-facing component that is activated every time you execute a POD command. It includes all the functionality of working with CocoaPods and can also call other gem packages to perform tasks.

CocoaPods / Core

Core gem provides processing of files associated with CocoaPods (mainly Podfiles and Podspecs).

To successfully upgrade Cocoapods, you need to have the correct process and command statements.

Update gem: sudo gem update –system

2. Delete the gem source: gem sources –remove

3, add gem source: gem sources -a source no longer maintain, replace the official Chinese source, note is HTTP, not HTTPS)

4, check whether the gem source is the latest: gem source-l

Sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods –pre

6. Check the current cocoapods version: POD –version

Pod install/pod install –verbose –no-repo-update