Today, when I added text watermarking to the same picture with different resolutions in wechat mini program, I found that only the picture with the highest resolution could be successfully watermarked. I spent a long time looking for bugs and shared them

Ctx. filltext (' productName '+' +, 10, 460) // Position ctx.fillText(' resolution ProductName, 10, 480 // Watermark content, position ctx.fillText(' Figure size ProductName, 10, 500 // Watermark content, positionCopy the code


CanvasContext.fillText(string text, number x, number y, Number x in number maxWidth,number y refers to the x-y position in the upper left corner of the drawing text rather than the x-y position of the photo, as shown in the figure

When we change the resolution, the image size changes, as shown in the figure


Use the success callback function to get the ress.width and ress.height of the current image, and calculate the current width and height as a percentage of the highest resolution, based on the original X and Y distance *

Wx.getimageinfo ({SRC: res.tempimagepath, success: (ress) => {const hg = ress.height / 1719; const wd = ress.width / 1080; Ctx.filltext (' productName '+' +, 10 * wd, 460 * hg) // watermark content, positionCopy the code