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Release date: 2014

At work recently, I completed a C++ library that both our iOS and Android apps use. To make it easier for our native iOS app, I also wrote an Objective-C wrapper so that the rest of the app could implement the interface using only Objective-C code. The job of this wrapper is basically to interface properties and setters, and it also handles C++ memory management.

This is the C++ class I’m going to use as an example. It’s pretty basic, just a constructor, a setter, and a getter.

#ifndef CPP_CLASS_H
#define CPP_CLASS_H

#include <cstring>
#include <stdlib.h>

class CppClass
	CppClass(const char* string = NULL) { set_string(string); }
	~CppClass() { set_string(NULL); }
	void set_string(const char* string)
		string_ = (char*)(string ? strdup(string) : NULL);
	const char* string(a) const { return string_; }
	char* string_;

#endif /* CPP_CLASS_H */
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Objective-c is based on C, not C++. If you try to use C++ code in Objective-C, you will run into compiler problems. What we need is to write the wrapper implementation in Objective-C++. Objective-c files have a.m extension, and to use Objective-C++, all you need to do is change the file extension

You don’t want to include any C++ classes or code in the objective-C class header of the wrapper, if possible. If you do, then any classes that import it will also need to have extension. You can get around this with some preprocessors, but it’s rare that you need to put variables in the header.

So for objective-C headers, I’m going to keep it extremely simple, just containing an initializer and attributes. According to the following, the other classes don’t even know that C++ supports this class.

@interface ObjcClass : NSObject

@property (nonatomic.copy) NSString* string;

- (instancetype) initWithString:(NSString*) string;

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For implementation, first remember to as your file extension. You will need to store a pointer to the C++ class you are instantiating. We can do this in an empty category rather than in the header.

@interface ObjcClass(a)

@property (nonatomic.readonly) CppClass* internal;

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My initWithString: method simply assigns a CppClass to an internal variable and assigns the method any string.

- (instancetype) initWithString:(NSString*) string
	self = [super init];
	if(self! =nil)
		_internal = new CppClass(string.UTF8String);
	return self;
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To make things as “objective-C” as possible, I convert between Objetive-C and C++ types. C++ classes use const char to store strings, but to make things as native as possible in the initializer, I converted it from NSString to const char.

If I had other properties and types, I would do the same thing. Even enums and structs that wrap C++, so only my Objetive-C code is exposed in the public interface.

In the getter and setter for my string property, I’m going to do the same conversion.

- (NSString*) string
	const char* string = self.internal->string();
	return string ? @(string) : nil;

- (void) setString:(NSString*) string
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Finally, this is C++, so we need to do some manual memory management. Whenever we are done with a C++ allocated object, we need to delete it. This belongs to the Dealloc method.

- (void) dealloc
	delete _internal;
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The whole class.

#import "CppClass.h"

@interface ObjcClass(a)

@property (nonatomic.readonly) CppClass* internal;


@implementation ObjcClass

- (instancetype) init
	return [self initWithString:nil];

- (instancetype) initWithString:(NSString*) string
	self = [super init];
	if(self! =nil)
		_internal = new CppClass(string.UTF8String);
	return self;

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Self

- (NSString*) string
	const char* string = self.internal->string();
	return string ? @(string) : nil;

- (void) setString:(NSString*) string

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Cleanup

- (void) dealloc
	delete _internal;

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The class in my example is obviously very simple. There are more challenges and other considerations when encapsulating large libraries. including

  • Return other classes that also require an Objective-C wrapper.
  • Smart Pointers are used, so even C++ memory management is handled automatically.
  • Calling the same method twice returns the same object (if you call object.string above, you get a different pointer each time, even if the value does not change).