The idea of writing Flask tutorials was first revealed in 2016, when I started writing my Zhihu column Hello, Flask! From time to time. After a few articles, what was planned as a systematic tutorial turned into a bunch of articles on scattered topics, and there was no further work. A year later, I had the idea of writing a tutorial again in Flask. I just finished my first post and started writing Flask Web Development In Action. Another year has passed since I finished writing it.

Why write a tutorial

Flask Web Development Is a book that contains as much detailed knowledge as possible. Others would prefer a simple introductory tutorial to quickly establish a basic concept of Python Web development and lay the foundation for further study. If you’re having trouble reading Flask Web Development In Action, then this tutorial is for you.

The tutorial is tentatively titled Flask Getting Started: Developing Your First Web Application using Python and Flask.

The tentative catalogue is as follows:

  • The preparatory work
  • Hello, Flask!
  • Templates and static files
  • The form
  • The database
  • User authentication
  • Organize your code
  • test
  • The deployment of online
And the tentative cover:

New form of writing

This tutorial uses a new writing mode and I plan to present the entire process of developing a Flask application, including every command that needs to be executed and every file that needs to be written. As a result, it is not a book full of explanations and tips, except for the development process, and tries to keep the minimum amount of information needed to get started, while optimizing the description of all terms.

As a reader, you’ll need to type out every command and line of code in the tutorial yourself, and eventually deploy a Flask program written entirely by yourself. I guess this is called “muscle copy learning” or “do-it-yourself learning” : P.

By developing a program themselves, beginners can build some understanding of the concepts involved in the development process, which can be further deepened or corrected by further study.

The idea was based on ZED A. SHAW’s Learn X the Hard Way series. If you have any ideas or suggestions for the form design and content arrangement of this tutorial, please feel free to comment.

Writing program

Some of you might be looking forward to it, but the tutorial isn’t there yet… But I’ve already started, and I expect to have it all finished by the end of November. The tutorial will be serialized in the column and will also be available as an ebook download.

A link to the

  • Tutorial home:
  • Tutorial source:…