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Background story

At that time, the author was... Meditation, wechat suddenly pop up the news of the former leader, suddenly a little excited in the heart, thought is to pull a brother, promotion raise!! Turns out, well, it's a job, sending in a video, a crawler like desktop app that crawls data from a sound and finds someone's private message corresponding to the comment! It could be that the person who reviews the video in bulk sells the product in a private message, and if they come in, they close the deal and make the conversion! Ask me how much does it cost to implement?Copy the code

To start

  • The first point, for such things as reptiles, the author is both happy and nervous, psychological always some small excitement < prison food? >.
Lie!!!!! I immediately had multiple solutions in mind: what technology to use? How can we do it better?Copy the code
  • Solution < Soon to be installed >
Python’s familiar scrapy crawler framework is great to use!!
But the author is a test engineer, not a reptile engineer, reptile is just an occasional hobby!! The point is that the author had taught himself only a cursory scrapy frame and now had to start from scratch.Copy the code
So with F12 browser debugger, can you use the interface to crawl data? Disappointed!!
Because direct requests. Get (URL) requests will prompt an error and no data will be returned. A closer look reveals that there is an encryption parameter in the request parameters, so every browser request is different, and without knowing the rules, you can't crawl the data this way.Copy the code
Since the author is a tester, is the Selenium tool in UI automation testing available?
Yes, there are more ways than difficulties.Copy the code

Use Selenium to crawl video data for a sound

  • Prerequisites: The user must have basic Python and xpath syntax, and a sense of automation
# Prepare the Python + Selenium environment; Download the chrome driver. First prepare a demo test, whether it can be used normally!

from selenium import webdriver

driver=webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=".. /chromedriver.exe")


# do somethings

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  • If the goal is clear, directly open the official website in the browser, search for keywords to get the URL < code demo below >
"" Created on July 22, 2021 @Author: Qguan"

import re
from time import sleep

from selenium import webdriver

Initialize the driver object
driver=webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=".. /chromedriver.exe")

# Open the target url
# May be the reason for anti - pickling, there is jigsaw verification
sleep(5) # Manual here, for testing
# You can use image processing to handle slider verification
# Finally, of course, use headless mode

Get the current handle
# handler=driver.current_window_handle

Get all elements of the current result page
video_pic=driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//div[@style='display: block;']/ul/li/div/a[1]")

# counter
for video in video_pic:
    Walk through the click element
    Get all browser handles
    # Switch to the latest one
    Get jump page elements: title, like, comment, post time, username
    if len(titles)>0:
        for tit in titles:
        title="Did not get the full title"
    # Video author name
    Click the user name to jump to the user details page
    Get the url of the current page, close the current page
    driver.close() # Why can't it be closed
    param_url=c_url.split("?") [1] # split url? Parameter of splicing
    Extract user video ID and user ID by regular matching
    # Console output results
    print("The first {} article, video title: {}, id: {}, user id: {}, comments: {}, thumb up number: {}, release time: {}".format(i,title,group_id,author_id,comment,praise,open_time))
    # Switch to page 1
    i+=1 # counter increment by 1
Exit the driver

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  • Output the result to the console, and crawl the key information as follows:


  • In terms of tool usability, Selenium is inferior to scrapy in crawler, mainly because scrapy is convenient for database operation and more direct in function.
Selenium needs to be familiar with element positioning schemes, but also needs to solve more PROBLEMS at the UI level. Even database tables need to do it yourself; Other frameworks may also be needed to solve certain problems.Copy the code
  • From the perspective of learning cost, any tool that can solve problems quickly is a good tool.