I wrote an article to share my approach to finding a suitable job during the recruitment season. Last week, I participated in the spring recruitment of our company as an interviewer. Unexpectedly, SEVERAL candidates made me angry and regretful during the interview.

In the interview, I often know after introducing myself, will ask such a question, you to the delivery of the server development engineer position, how do you understand?

This is a basic question, and the reason for asking this question is to see whether the candidate has a basic understanding of the position, whether the candidate has a clear intention, whether he has thought clearly about why he chose the position, and whether he is qualified for the position.

A clear answer to this question first shows that the candidate is serious about his job search and is willing to learn about the work of different positions, and judge that this position is suitable for him based on his professional ability and experience background.

These candidates have 985,211 prestigious university backgrounds, and their majors and courses match the job requirements. However, when I asked this question, it could be seen that they had hardly thought about this question.

When I further asked them why they sent this post, they answered that it was because the post required XX programming voice, and he happened to know this language, so they sent it.

That’s why I’m angry and sorry.

They are angry that spring recruitment is the last opportunity for this year’s graduates to find a job before graduation, how can they treat their life events so seriously.

Regrettably, the Internet industry now has a lot of high requirements on the threshold of academic qualifications. They have better academic background than others, but they did not make use of it, it is a pity.

In one interview, I asked the candidate across the video why do you think you are qualified for this position and get this job.

He said he thought he would be qualified for the position if he had learned computer courses and had the corresponding subject knowledge.

But in fact, in the vast number of candidates, many students’ scores are in the top few percent of their major, and those candidates who stand out all go to learn more knowledge and practice more projects in addition to the courses set by their major.

“Why me?” is one of the most unthought-out aspects of a candidate’s job search.

It’s not just about finding a job, it’s about seizing any opportunity, why me?

Headhunting contacts usually ask, are you looking for opportunities recently? To find a better job is to seek a better opportunity.

The interview process is the interviewer constantly thinking about why the candidate is worthy of the job, and the candidate telling the interviewer why I should get the opportunity.

We will always face a lot of opportunities in life, but really can be seized by their own opportunities, very few. Some people seize a good opportunity to soar, and some people always think why I can not get a good opportunity?

And before thinking about this question, why should I seize this good opportunity?

Further, think about what it takes to seize this opportunity. For example, get a good project and research what resources, skills, and abilities will be needed for the project. Get to know a great person, and what kind of help and support he needs.

Then look at what background you have, what skills you have, what abilities you have, what resources you have, and whether you can match the requirements of this opportunity.

If the competition is with others, does ** have an advantage over others in the competition? What can ** rely on to answer the question why it is you and not him?

Thinking about why I am the problem, in fact, is also a reflection of the end as the beginning, think about what the end is, how to ensure that they can reach the end, can be possible to go to the end.

And if you have never thought about what you want to reach the end, with what can go to the end, the greater possibility is lost in the halfway.

So before you jump at the chance, ask yourself this question: Why me?

By following this line, you can see yourself more clearly.

Finally, may you seize the opportunity you most want to seize in the near future.