Why draw pictures

People in the workplace, communication and collaboration is the most important. Accurate expression of your thoughts and ideas, effective transmission of information to collaborators, understanding without bias, is the key to getting things done, doing a good job, and growing your career.

Under normal circumstances, we have a lot of written or oral communication, but the former carries little information and is prone to ambiguity, while the latter lacks rigor and is prone to the phenomenon of what I say and what you hear.

If you want better communication, you need a way to carry enough information to avoid ambiguity, but also to ensure that the communication is rigorous.

Drawing is a good way to do that. Have you ever had one of those moments? When I report to my boss, I talk a lot, but the boss is in a fog. In fact, as long as there is a picture, tell the boss about the picture, it is easier to accept a lot.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Students should work hard to exercise their drawing skills ah, will be very helpful to the workplace advancement!

To do a good job, you must sharpen your tools. Snail today to their commonly used drawing tools recommended to you, to help you improve efficiency!

Quality drawing tools are recommended

Zen Flowchart

Tool features: super simple flow chart making tools. Simple shapes and a few colors are enough to help you draw simple and elegant diagrams such as common flow diagrams, organization diagrams, system flow diagrams, algorithm flow diagrams, etc. After drawing, you can export a PNG image or publish it as a real-time document.

Recommended star: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Use the entry point: zenFlowchart.com

Organization Chart


Tool features: online mapping tool aggregation platform, a word: all! Flowcharts, mind maps, UI prototypes, UML, network topology diagrams, organization diagrams, you may need, can be found here. Even better, the platform opens up the ability to share knowledge, which means that you can use other people’s best images as templates! The downside is the limited number of free files.

Recommended star: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Use entry: processon.com


Formerly known as draw.io.

Tool features: online mapping tool aggregation platform, in addition to all, the most surprise me two points, one is the export of the picture support import again edit! The other is the ability to export directly to GitHub, which is quite user-friendly for the programmer community. In addition, there are rich clip art can be searched directly, many of the snails will use this tool.

Use entry: Diagrams.net

Recommended stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


The free drawing tools recommended by this issue of snail can cover most of the drawing demands of various industries and jobs. There are also many drawing tools, which have their own advantages and characteristics and need to be selected based on specific use scenarios. Snail will also find out their own commonly used or think good drawing tools, continue to recommend to students.

I am snail, dachang programmer, focus on original technology and personal growth, is on the Internet. Welcome to pay attention to me, and the snail grow up together, we cattle ~ next see!