2019 is destined to be an extraordinary year. I practiced for half a year and became a full-time employee for half a year. I worked overtime and often stayed up all night throughout the year. No year-end bonus, no project bonus, even the company wants to give you a 50% discount on overtime. In this year, it can be said that the company has done enough, drawing a big pie, talking about the future, the ideal is very beautiful, the reality is very thin.

At the beginning of 2019, under the leadership of the former leader, the company is determined to carry out a vigorous restructuring, 996 has become a common occurrence this year, occasionally to 007 what is not too much. It became necessary to “sell chicken soup” again and again, “everything is under control” again and again, and review every day, week and month. The leaders liked this form of meeting very much, but the employees were full of complaints, but they pretended not to know.

National Day return, plan a wave of online, but a wave of bugs surfaced, the result is a wave of delay, a wave of compensation, a wave of overtime…… Sometimes in life, when you feel like you’re moving forward, there’s a hole in front of you, a hole you dug long, wide, and high, because someone told you there was gold at the bottom, but you can’t get out.

The end of the year, the leadership, a new officer, pushed “Australia” burned for two full months, scold us don’t even with slag, was laid off more than half of the entire team, the rest of these are either hand there is something not to transfer to a new team, or is the person is old staff need a large sum of cost for compensation for years looking for ways to cut demoted. When a company wants to make someone redundant, it offers three options: 1. 2. 50% of the basic salary and 50% of the performance; 3, layoffs, compensation for one month. Some colleagues, the morning is still fixing the bug, afternoon all the green light, the departure procedures on the same day; Some colleagues, the handover work has not been completed, but they are required to leave before the year, the handover work is done in a hurry, the leadership’s tough decision, I believe that the loss of the company’s interests.

Anyway, the result is that the project is cold, the leader is gone, and the new leader is coming. The soldiers left by the predecessors, those who can go go quickly, those who need to use do not, and they have to lose money to drive away, and they are locked in a stalemate. After the New Year, I will choose a reliable and promising job again, where I see no hope, no results, but the evil of capitalism.

As for why the project is cold? Little brother summed up some visible problems, do not ask me why I did not push to point out, to change, because Australia’s fire is very big, a new firefighter ability range is limited ah.

  • In the past year, the summary is chaos, online without a plan, or to pat the head of the online, in my opinion, is no plan. Development overtime, to the end of the line is still not available; In many cases, the test does not give the test progress, and the test does not finish. Can they go wrong if they plan, if they plan properly?

  • Because of the chaos, I think there is a problem with the management. The management has a problem. The leader has put his heart and soul into the development work. The employees at the bottom seem to work overtime every week, but in fact they do nothing practical, because not everyone needs to work overtime every week.

  • Over the past year, the team atmosphere, the sense of belonging and the strength of the team have been going downhill since July. Although I am unwilling to be here, I can’t change it. How many days and nights do you think a person who has no feelings for the team will work so hard? Surely not! In the end is really disappointed, can not find a personal sense of belonging in the team.

Of course, I have been working in COMPANY A for over A year, and I have joked A lot about working overtime and being tired. What I can change is myself. I would like to talk about some of my growth and insights in technology and career during the past year at the company. Have to say, this year to remove some unpleasant things, I am very grateful, in this environment to learn a lot, grow up quickly, there are many willing to share and help me.

Before entering this company as an intern, I worked as an intern in a new start-up outsourcing company, with a salary of 120 per day and a five-day working day. If there were classes in school, I would go back to school, and if there were no classes, I would work in the company. At the beginning, I had nothing to do, and then I came back with a project. Basically, the general technical selection and framework components were assigned to me by the boss to develop specific businesses. It should be said that basically, it was all about adding, deleting, checking and changing, plus a little bit of complex business. In the code, specification, process is very free, basically will not review the code, write the function can be used, most of the time is their own ocD attack to optimize.

In company A, I got to know A lot of new technologies, learned and applied A lot of new things, and got to know A lot of industry leaders. In the process of self-study, I kept on learning, and the harder I worked, the luckier I would be. What I learned in technology is as follows:

  • Code specification: comb, learn and get used to PHP-PSR code specification

  • Version control: basic command line, phpStorm graphical operations, GitFlow workflow learning, corporate Git version control specifications

  • Understanding and practice of microservice architecture: First, I should learn the theory and practice of related components, and learn the design, advantages and disadvantages of microservice architecture in the process of using it. Of course, I am not a designer, but only a low-level executor, so MY voice is not heavy, but I can not ignore the problem. (Docker, K8S, Consul, Apollo, Kafka)

  • Swoole Extension: Combining new features since PHP7, Swoole is a milestone in THE development of PHP, learning and understanding of network asynchrony, coroutines, resident memory and other uncontacted issues.

  • PHP kernel learning and understanding: in fact, I read a book called “PHP Kernel Analysis”, and understood the PHP operation mode, data structure, memory management and other contents I remember in an easy to understand way.

  • Learn how to implement swoole framework encapsulated by your own project: I have always thought that it takes a lot of content to master and learn to encapsulate a highly available and high-performance framework, and it is difficult to develop. In fact, it is true. Just when I tried to transform the project dynamic configuration service and service discovery to NACOS, I knew that I could not eat an elephant in one bite. The process was difficult and the result was rewarding.

  • 1. SQL and algorithm have always been the foundation and core of back-end developers, but they have been neglected in my work over the past year. As the PHP of the business layer of the company, few modules are connected to mysql, let alone complex query statements. —- 2, for the use of components shallow understanding, deep understanding. —- 3. Lack of learning for front-end and back-end of non-PHP languages.

Where there are people there are rivers and lakes, there are rivers and lakes on the workplace. Because of the professional environment, surrounded by male colleagues, there are not many expectations outside of work. Mainly or everyone workaholic (helpless), in general on the following points want to say, but still have their own perception of this thing.

  • A good leader is very important

  • Overtime is just a sign of inefficiency

  • Career bottlenecks and continuous learning

  • The need for a weekly newspaper

At work, my main work is these, more and more difficult:

  • Adding, deleting, checking and modifying simple services (back-end interface of the entire OMS system)

  • Wechat mini program, public account and third-party platform business (encountered many pits ha)

  • Wechat 30 million fans pull (how not to leak pull, less pull, pull on the data)

  • Implementation of complex business logic: Integral calculation (extremely complex)

  • Retrofit project framework Dynamic configuration and service discovery (Consul, NACOS)