Work 3 years programmer bask in September salary, blunt work overtime too tired, net friend: are you teasing me?

There is a sentence we have heard: “three hundred and sixty line line out of the number one!” You can make a fortune if you work hard. That being said, but if you have a good degree, your salary is going up steadily. Every penny of pay is hard won. Are you familiar with the profession of programmer? Programmer threshold is very high, the most basic you must understand the computer language, this is already refreshing most people. What exactly does it do? Our usual software is these programmers programming, simply speaking is the program programming and maintenance.

Recently, a programmer posted his salary on the network and said he was too tired to work overtime. We can see from the salary bar posted by the programmer that the salary is about 12000, which is not bad for now, and you have only used it for 3 years. You should know that the salary is more than a lot of people. For those in big cities, you’re more than twice the average salary of $6,000.

Work 3 years programmer bask in September salary article, blunt overwork too tired however this 12000 yuan is pretax, if you deduct tax revenue, so this salary has 9000 much only, can not say much, but also can not say little. But all of a sudden, the deduction of 3500 yuan tax, really a little heartache. On that salary, you can afford to live in a second or third-tier city, but if you live in a big city, it’s really tough to be honest. Hardly any money can be saved.

Programmers who have worked for 3 years posted their salary in September, saying that overtime is too tiring, which also caused netizens’ comments on the Internet.

Netizen comment: “Be content, it was 12000 in 3 years, I graduated from university but now I have about 4 years, the salary is 10000, and I have to work very hard every day. But I am content.”

“Are you kidding me? Your salary as a programmer is only 12000 yuan for 3 years. I am afraid you are playing house in these 3 years. Three years as a programmer can’t pay that much.”

Netizen comment: “ONE of my friends is also a programmer, but his salary is not as low as yours, his salary is about 400,000 yuan a year, I just can’t understand, the same programmer how is such a big gap?”

Netizen comment: “Three years, you want to be honest in the big city is really low, if you are in the county level city, your salary is fantastic.”

What do you think about that?

1. Those with 1-5 work experience do not know where to start in the face of current popular technology.

Need to break through the technical bottleneck can be added.

2, stay in the company for a long time, lead a comfortable life,

But I hit a brick wall in my job interview.

Need to study in a short period of time, job-hopping can be added.

3. If you have no working experience, but have a solid foundation, you are familiar with Java working mechanism.

Common design ideas, common Java development framework master skilled, can add.

4, feel very good B, general needs can be done.

But the knowledge points learned are not systematic, it is difficult to continue to break through in the field of technology can be added.

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