Today, I want to talk about the inner volume and the inner volume of Java design pattern. Before talking about this, let’s talk about me first. I have been engaged in the Java industry for more than four years. I feel my experience is good, but my depth is far from enough. So the plan is to start rolling in the nuggets. And continue to roll in.

Just into nuggets not for long, but has output a few think good dry goods series, everyone interested, you can click on the top of my profile picture, help me guide.

Historical articles Display board:

Dry! ThreadLocal usage scenario

Dry! ThreadLocal Usage scenario 02

Dry! Step-by-step guide to using Docker

Dry! SpringBoot uses listening events to implement asynchronous operations

. For more articles in this series, please click on the picture above

Follow-up is to continue in the nuggets output, if you do not dislike can pay attention to. We will make progress together in the future. Follow-up may get a few topics, concurrent topics, source topics, interview topics and so on.

Java Design Patterns

Let’s start with design patterns. There are several reasons to take on design patterns:

  • The design pattern is the foundation, embodies and relies on the Java OOP idea, etc., ten thousand stories tall buildings from the ground up, review a foundation

  • Source code inside a variety of design patterns, read the source code, learning design pattern is essential

  • Learn to design patterns can write high – force code, “install force” necessary

  • Write good code that is bug-free and maintainable

I spent a whole month in August working on the Java Design Patterns column. I hope you follow this column. Click on my profile picture, then click on column

How to inner volume design pattern column

I will use the method of combining theory with practical cases to create this column, so that every reader can understand it deeply and apply it to their own practical code cases. Let interface performance fly, let the inroll more inroll

You’ve probably read a lot of these design patterns articles or used them in your own project code. But are too scattered, some only understand the theory, but can’t be applied to the actual, some know how to write, but unfortunately is the interview can’t speak out, to the theory can’t explain.

I also often read some classic case articles, also read very great books, also in the company admired the high quality design of colleagues. So I want to share my case and experience with the column. Let’s hope this column lives up to expectations. Let’s study together.

Time period

Will use the whole month of August, to create the most real, the most classic case sharing. I hope you’ll stay tuned.

The public,

Personally, I have been on the way to pursue the design mode. So last year, I started to share some things about the design mode through the public account. However, due to the lack of time, IT was shelved. But also made a general outline, I put it out for you to see, you can also follow my public number, public number name: “1 things”, with my profile picture. Thanks for your attention:

The article is too long. I put the wechat public account article link: Java design principles summary

It’s a shame that I wrote an article about it at the time. There is no follow-up. But later I may at the same time the public number and nuggets at the same time.

A top priority

Finally, thank you for reading this quotation. I hope you can encourage and support me and pay attention to me. This is what I will update in August.

Come on, everybody.