
With less than a week left in the year, we tried to stitch together a nomadic picture of sunshine, floods, riots, epidemics, locust plagues, wildfires, and poverty. These fragments, though, do not constitute a complete map.

2020 May be more like an astrological chart, where every Angle and aspect reflects every event and every pattern, and we are at the rising and falling points of the chart, drawn by destiny and concerned with the winning and losing of this divination. In sacrifice and expectation, trying to see a common past and a common future.

The body of the

Waking up in the morning, the news of his beloved legend’s death capped an already tortuous start to the year. In addition, wildfires, locusts, floods and other disasters are active together, and we passively accept all these challenges and changes. In a world that tries to erase us, there is no hierarchy, no nobility, no hierarchy, and yet we are fighting it.

I always think about how to record this year that will eventually go down in history. Netease blogs and Tencent microblogs shut down one after another, and many memories were indeed demagnetized.

I called my best friend, as if I wanted to confirm the news in a hurry. The first sentence was:

Me: The boss is gone.

He didn’t say anything, only the sound of breathing. There was a long silence:

He: yes.

The words in his throat were swallowed back, and I knew that this was the same man he had looked up to for years.

Me: I want to find a good record of this year’s things, many years later can also see many years ago this conflict, confrontation and hope.

He: Do you remember my personal blog?

Me: I remember.

He: Then you listen to me.

He pondered for a long time, as if to organize his thoughts:

He: You’re right. It’s commercial time. I use a personal blog built by Tencent cloud object storage COS + HEXO. Compared with blogs on the market, personal blogs built based on COS can keep permanent data storage and maintain all-weather high availability. This year’s hot concept of Serverless, in fact, COS has had static website hosting Serverless functionality for many years. Tencent cloud COS also gives away a certain amount of free money every month. The use of personal blog is basically free. Even if there is a certain cost, the cost is reduced by dozens of times compared with the purchase of cloud host. For setting up personal static blog sites and other scenes, it is cheap, but it is suitable.

After finishing, hang up. Roll up your sleeves.

“How to record a magical and real year?” And I have an answer to my question, cosine of theta.

The effect


To prepare

We need to prepare the following things:

  • Registered domain name (if you want to personalize your blog domain name)
  • Install the Node.js environment
  • Tencent cloud account, open good COS service


1. Install Hexo

npm i -g hexo-cli

Initialize the blog project

Hexo deployer-qcloud-cos --save Hexo deployer-log NPM I NPM I hexo-deployer-qcloud-cos --save // Hexo deploys to cos with one click

3. Modify the configuration _config.yml and add the following parameters

Deploy: type: qCloud -cos cossecrettid: < your TCM cloud account SecretKey> cosSecretKey: < your TCM cloud account SecretKey> cosRegion: < your CosBucket location > cosBucket: < your CosBucket name > cosAppID: < your Tencent cloud account appid>

The setting of these parameter values is obtained as follows.

4. Create resources to obtain corresponding information

4.1. Get Secretid and SecretKey

Login tencent cloud access management API key management page,, access to the corresponding cosSecretId, cosSecretKey need to configure the above. (Of course, it is strongly recommended that you create a child account and use the child’s key.)

4.2. Create buckets

Enter cos bucket list page, create a bucket, name according to the need to fill in, region we according to your need, here I chose nanjing, permissions choice, public reading private writing 】 【 other default. COSBUCKET, COSAPPID, AP-NANJING, COSREGION COSBUCKET, COSAPPID, COSREGION

4.3. Start a Static Site

After the creation is complete, go to the bucket details, open the “Basic Configuration” static site, and configure the index document as index.html.

4.4. Configure your own blog domain name

Open the “Custom Source Site Domain Name” of “Domain Name and Transmission Management”, click “Add Domain Name”, select the source site type “Static Website Source Site”, enter the domain name to be resolved by the blog ( set here) in the domain name location, and click “Save”.

Note: You need to copy the CNAME value, go to the domain name provider to set the CNAME resolution, here need to set the domain name must have been registered domain name.

5. Start writing and deploying your blog

5.1. Write blog posts

Go back to the hexo-blog root, and say we want to write an article called “hello-2021”, execute

hexo new hello-2021

The source/_posts directory has a new file called Open this file and you can write it in Markdown syntax.

5.2. Deploy the blog

Execute the deployment command under hexo-blog

hexo d

Wait for the prompt to deploy, open our blog domain name to view the results, you can see that our blog has been completed.

6. Use a blog theme

For those of us who have a little bit of pursuit, we should want to put on a nice skin to make a little extra for our blog. You can check out your favorite theme on the Hexo website at

Follow the corresponding tutorial steps to download the theme to the hexo-blog/themes directory and change the theme value in the hexo-blog/_config.yml.

Delete the hexo-blog/db.json, and redeploy

hexo d

That’s the end of my personal blog. For more information about Hexo, check out the documentation on the Hexo website.


We try to say goodbye to a world that is only a year, a month, or even a day away. We say goodbye to the lives we had, to our cowardice, to our infirmity in the face of adversity.

“How to record a magical and real year?” Yes, again, using Tencent Cloud Objects to store COS.