Public account management generated with parameters of the TWO-DIMENSIONAL code interface generation, can successfully achieve the two-dimensional code with parameters/channel two-dimensional code, fans through the two-dimensional code to pay attention to the public number automatically batch label, statistics source channels, can also directly use micro help channel two-dimensional code generation function to achieve the effect.

1. Qr code/channel QR code with parameters

Wechat help platform channel two-dimensional code generation function, the generation of two-dimensional code is permanent two-dimensional code, with statistics of fans, fans label or set remarks name.

2, the public concerned about statistics

All fans concerned by the two-dimensional code with parameters will automatically statistics data, new and old fans can statistics data, old fans that has been concerned about the public number of fans.

3. Label fans in batches or set remarks

The TWO-DIMENSIONAL code of Weibang platform supports automatic labeling and grouping of fans or setting of remarks. The statistics of fans can be calculated separately or only the statistical data can not be processed to identify fans.

4, TWO-DIMENSIONAL code custom message reply

The TWO-DIMENSIONAL code of weibang platform channel supports different types of message reply. Each two-dimensional code can set the reply message, which can be the same or different. Text message, single text, multi text, card (coupon or membership card), mini program, picture, video, voice can be set.