The original address: blog. Sentry. IO / 2021/03/03 /…

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Release date: March 3, 2021

This article by Jian Yue SimpRead transcoding, original address blog. Sentry. IO

This month we will be updating several of our mobile SDKS. You may think this is crazy…… Mobile March Madness……

This month, we are updating several of our mobile SDKS. You may think this is crazy…… Mobile March Madness. First, Flutter.

It’s safe to say that all of us have had bad mobile experiences that have left us so frustrated that we need to change apps. Due to the variety of operating systems, screen sizes, and orientations, it takes a lot of work to get the experience right. The benefit of using Sentry’s new FlutterSDK is that you can fix the problem once and make the solution work anywhere.

Building on the original Dart SDK written by Google, we extended the functionality to report device and operating system details, local crashes, session data, and version adoption, so developers can quickly determine whether a release was successful or should be rolled back. Our new Flutter SDK enables developers to easily subdivide problems to determine which users are adopting the latest version or experiencing a crash, or, less ideally, both.

Flutter provides customers with a quick way to build beautiful applications for multiple platforms from a single code base. However, one of the big challenges for mobile app developers is dealing with all the dependencies that can affect the uptime and performance of an application across multiple platforms. Thanks to Sentry’s support for Flutter, developers now have access to a great set of tools to monitor and maintain their applications.

Tim Sneath, Project Management Director, Google Flutter and Dart

Configuring Sentry only takes a few minutes. Get the SDK from and add the following to your pubspec.yaml.

  sentry_flutter: ^ 4.0.0
Copy the code

Import Sentry and initialize it.

import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:sentry_flutter/sentry_flutter.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
  await SentryFlutter.init(
    (options) => options.dsn = 'https://<key><project>',
    appRunner: () => runApp(MyApp()),
Copy the code

In addition, developers can monitor Dart/Flutter and Native SDKS (Kotlin, Java for Android, Swift, Objective-C for iOS, and C/C++ for both platforms). We also symbolized the Flutter application, capturing UI events and HTTP requests as breadcrumbs so that you could track each user’s footprint. Sentry provides offline caching and fatal crash support in the event that a user’s device goes offline or has a fatal crash. In these cases, Sentry will be able to send reports once the device is online again, so you won’t miss out on these valuable reports.

Discovered with our event finder tool, you can understand how a problem affects any segment of users (device type, operating system, locale, URL, etc.). Set up an alert based on the saved query so that you will be notified when the problem occurs again.

We don’t just tell you there’s a crash; We link user experience to impact, so you can focus on building the next great thing, rather than debugging hard-to-find bugs.

With Sentry’s Flutter SDK, you can get real-time notifications of errors that occur on Android, iOS, or the original platform.

  • See the errors and crashes that occur in each version
  • Resolving the problem depends on the complete context: the context stack trace, the event that caused the error, the client, the hardware information, and the commit that introduced the error.
  • Learn and analyze event data to reduce regressions and ultimately increase user adoption and engagement.

To start using Sentry in Flutter, configure the SDK, or if you are new to Sentry, try it for free today. translation