1.1 Longitude verification

    var validatelongitude = (rule, value, callback) = > { // Check longitude
      const reg = / ^ (\ | \ +)? (((\ d | \ [1-9] d | 1 [0] \ d {1, 3}) | 0 \. \ d {0, 6}) | | (\ d \ d [1-9] 1 [0] \ | d | 0 {1, 3}) | 180 \. 0 {0, 6} | 180) $/
      if(value ! = =' '&& value ! = =null&& value ! = =undefined) {
        if(! reg.test(value)) { callback(new Error(The longitude integer part is 0 to 180, and the decimal part is 0 to 6 digits! '))}else {
      } else {
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1.2 Latitude Verification

    var validatelatitude = (rule, value, callback) = > { // Check latitude
      const reg = / ^ (\ | \ +)? ([0 to 8]? \ d {1} \ \ d {0, 6} \ | 90. 0 {0, 6} | 0 to 8]? \d{1}|90)$/
      if(value ! = =' '&& value ! = =null&& value ! = =undefined) {
        if(! reg.test(value)) { callback(new Error('Latitude integer parts are 0 to 90 and decimal parts are 0 to 6 places! '))}else {
      } else {
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2. Writing position

Below data in the vue project, above return{}. As shown in figure:

3. Use with the Form rules validation in Element-UI

      rules: {
        holdRatio: [{ required: false }, { validator: validateNumber, trigger: 'blur'}].// Lande Shareholding (%)
        longitude: [{ required: false }, { validator: validatelongitude, trigger: 'blur'}]./ / longitude
        latitude: [{ required: false }, { validator: validatelatitude, trigger: 'blur' }] / / latitude
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Ps: The rules property needs to be set. If you’re not familiar with it, check out Element’s website
// The :rules attribute represents the use of the rules variable defined above
<el-form ref="ruleForm" :model="company_form" :rules="rules" label-width="120px" class="company_form">

<el-form-item label="xxxx" prop="holdRatio">
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And, of course, set up the commit validation

    // Submit button
    saveCompony(formName) { // Save the button
      this.$refs[formName].validate((valid) = > {
        if (valid) {
          if (this.isEditBtn) {XXXX... }else {
            this.company_form.enEntInfoId = 0
          this.componySave(this.company_form) // Industry company save
        } else {
          return false}})},Copy the code