• Copy the Labelme annotated data to the root directory of the project and name it LabelmeData. My project root directory is yolov5-master, as shown below:


  • Open the project and create labelMetoyolov5.py in the root directory. Write the following code
import os
import numpy as np
import json
from glob import glob
import cv2
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from os import getcwd

classes = ["aircraft"."oiltank"]
# 1. Tag path
labelme_path = "LabelmeData/"
isUseTest = True  Whether to create a test set
# 3. Get files to be processed
files = glob(labelme_path + "*.json")
files = [i.replace("\ \"."/").split("/")[-1].split(".json") [0] for i in files]
if isUseTest:
    trainval_files, test_files = train_test_split(files, test_size=0.1, random_state=55)
    trainval_files = files
# split
train_files, val_files = train_test_split(trainval_files, test_size=0.1, random_state=55)

def convert(size, box) :
    dw = 1. / (size[0])
    dh = 1. / (size[1])
    x = (box[0] + box[1) /2.0 - 1
    y = (box[2] + box[3) /2.0 - 1
    w = box[1] - box[0]
    h = box[3] - box[2]
    x = x * dw
    w = w * dw
    y = y * dh
    h = h * dh
    return (x, y, w, h)

wd = getcwd()

def ChangeToYolo5(files, txt_Name) :
    if not os.path.exists('tmp/'):
    list_file = open('tmp/%s.txt' % (txt_Name), 'w')
    for json_file_ in files:
        json_filename = labelme_path + json_file_ + ".json"
        imagePath = labelme_path + json_file_ + ".jpg"
        list_file.write('%s/%s\n' % (wd, imagePath))
        out_file = open('%s/%s.txt' % (labelme_path, json_file_), 'w')
        json_file = json.load(open(json_filename, "r", encoding="utf-8"))
        height, width, channels = cv2.imread(labelme_path + json_file_ + ".jpg").shape
        for multi in json_file["shapes"]:
            points = np.array(multi["points"])
            xmin = min(points[:, 0]) if min(points[:, 0) >0 else 0
            xmax = max(points[:, 0]) if max(points[:, 0) >0 else 0
            ymin = min(points[:, 1]) if min(points[:, 1) >0 else 0
            ymax = max(points[:, 1]) if max(points[:, 1) >0 else 0
            label = multi["label"]
            if xmax <= xmin:
            elif ymax <= ymin:
                cls_id = classes.index(label)
                b = (float(xmin), float(xmax), float(ymin), float(ymax))
                bb = convert((width, height), b)
                out_file.write(str(cls_id) + "" + "".join([str(a) for a in bb]) + '\n')
                print(json_filename, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, cls_id)

ChangeToYolo5(train_files, "train")
ChangeToYolo5(val_files, "val")
ChangeToYolo5(test_files, "test")
''' file1 = open("tmp/train.txt", "r") file2 = open("tmp/val.txt", "R ") file_list1 = file1.readlines() # read all variables into the list file_list2 = file2.readlines() # read all variables into the list file_list2 file3 = open("tmp/trainval.txt", "w") for line in file_list1: print(line) file3.write(line) for line in file_list2: print(line) file3.write(line) '''
Copy the code

TXT annotation data of each image will be generated in LabelmeData after the completion of this code execution, and TXT of training set, verification set and test set will be generated under TMP folder. TXT records the path of the picture, making preparation for the next generation of YoloV5 training and test data set.

  • Create makedata.py in the TMP folder. VOC datasets are generated in the root directory of the project after execution.
import shutil
import os

file_List = ["train"."val"."test"]
for file in file_List:
    if not os.path.exists('.. /VOC/images/%s' % file):
        os.makedirs('.. /VOC/images/%s' % file)
    if not os.path.exists('.. /VOC/labels/%s' % file):
        os.makedirs('.. /VOC/labels/%s' % file)
    print(os.path.exists('.. /tmp/%s.txt' % file))
    f = open('.. /tmp/%s.txt' % file, 'r')
    lines = f.readlines()
    for line in lines:
        line = "/".join(line.split('/')[-5:]).strip()
        shutil.copy(line, ".. /VOC/images/%s" % file)
        line = line.replace('jpg'.'txt')
        shutil.copy(line, ".. /VOC/labels/%s/" % file)
Copy the code

The running results are as follows: