For mandatory update Win10 system, really is a love-hate relationship, update is to solve the security risks existing in the system of computer, and add some new features, but regular boot or shutdown to update the configuration, encounter big update also need to take a very long waiting time, even more the spirit there will be update the risk of failure. Sometimes it’s tempting to put a permanent ban on updates.

At present, there are two common methods to disable update on the network: 1. Disable Windows Updata related services; 2. 2. Disable the update through the group policy. The fact that these two methods have not been able to get rid of the win10 automatic update claws, and the operation is more complex for small white students very unfriendly.

Win10 system ban automatic update pros and cons, if you really can’t stand the pain of automatic update as try the following tool!

  • Win10 系统 update tool closed

Win10 系统 update tool this one-click shutdown win10系统 update tool comes from lenovo Quick Fix. Tool center, you can close the WIN10 system update, support any brand computer, as long as the Win10 system on the line.

Click “close Windows 10 system automatic update”, it will pop up uninstall “Windows Installer” window, and then wait to close automatic update configuration complete! (My system is Win10 Enterprise Edition)

In the future, if you need to open the update, open the software again, click “open win10 system automatic update” can open!

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