This article mainly introduces how to install Docker under Win10 system and pull redis image to start. Win10 system needs to be professional version, if it is home version, you need to download Docker-Toolbox. Toolbox download address

Win10 home version directly upgrade to professional version, a treasure on a dozen dollars an activation code.

1. Install the docker

Go to the official website to download a docker, official website address. Make sure hyper-V is enabled to install Docker. Note that virtualization is not enabled in BIOS, which is enabled by default. (Note that Docker and VMWare virtual machines cannot be used at the same time, so you need to turn hyper-V off to use VMWare.)

docker version

2 pull redis

Open PowerShell and enter the docker pull redis command to download the redis image. By default, download the latest version of the Redis image.

docker run -d -p 6379:6379 --name redis01 redis
Copy the code

If you want to stop using the command

docker stop [Name]
Copy the code

Delete containers using:

docker rm [Name]
Copy the code